

单词 express
释义 ex·press /ɪkˈspres/ vt. | a. | n. | ad. | phr.
I vt.
1. 用言词表达,陈述
express one's views 说出自己的见解
express an opinion 陈述意见
express an idea clearly 清楚地讲述一个想法
2. 表示,表露,表达;体现
express anger by frowning 皱眉表示恼怒
His face expressed sorrow. 他的脸上表露出悲哀。
She expressed her appreciation for their gracious hospitality. 她对他们的殷勤款待表示感谢。
His whole appearance expressed weariness. 他整个样子显得困乏不堪。
Words are not sufficient to express the beauty of Hangzhou. 言词不足以表达杭州的美。
To be an artist means to express emotion. 艺术家就是要表达感情。
In Constantinople was expressed all the life and culture of Byzantine Empire. 君士坦丁堡体现了拜占庭帝国的全部生活和文化。
3. 用符号表示;代表
The sign + expresses addition. +号表示加。
4. 特快发送,快运(包裹、钱、货物等)特快专送(邮件)
express a package 把包裹特快发送
Did he express his baggage, ma'am? 他把行李作快件托运了吗,夫人?
I telephoned to my mother to express my passport to me. 我打电话给母亲,要她把我的护照特快邮寄给我。
5. 榨,挤压出(乳、汁等)
express juice from the oranges 榨橙汁
Milk can be expressed manually, but this often causes pain. 奶可用手挤取,但这常会引起疼痛
6. 在表型中表现(某一基因的性状或效应等);使(基因)在表型中产生有关性状
7. 分泌,散发
8. (用音乐、美术等)描绘
a musical theme that expresses melancholy 描述忧郁情怀的音乐主题
9. 强取,勒索

II a.
1. 明确的,明白表示的
give express orders (instructions) 下达明确的命令(指示)
An express agreement among honest men is seldom necessary. 在诚挚守信的人之间是很少用得着什么言词明确的协议的。
It was his express wish that we should attend. 他明确地表示希望我们出席。
2. 丝毫不差的
She is the express image of her aunt. 她酷似她的姑妈。
3. 专门的;特别的;确定的
He came for that express purpose. 他专为那一目的而来。
express regulations 特定的规则
4. 快的;直达的
an express bus 特快公共汽车
an express elevator 直达(或快速)电梯
5. 供快速行进的;高速的
an express highway 高速公路
work at express speed 高速度工作
6. 快运业务的;快送的
an express company 捷运公司
express workers 特快货运工人
an express consignment 快件
7. 由专差急送的;特快邮送的
an express letter 特快信
an express messenger (或 man) 送急件的专差
express charges 特快邮费

III n.
1. 主美特快货运;快送;快递;快汇
2. 主美捷运公司;快运物品,快件
We expect an express from him very soon. 我们预计他托运的快件很快将到达。
3. 快车;直达电梯,快速电梯
the 9:30 express to London 9点30分开往伦敦的快车
the Rome Express 罗马直达快车
4. 专差;由专差递送的急件;特种邮递;由小马车快递的邮政制度
5. express rifle
6. [E-] 快报(用作报纸名)
Daily Express 《每日快报》

IV ad.
1. 用快递;由直达快车;由专差急送地;由快邮
He sent the letter express. 他把那封信作为快邮寄出。
2. 特意地;专门地
He has come here express to visit his old friends. 他特意来这儿看望他的老朋友。
[< L expressus squeezed out, prominent < exprimere to force out < EX-¹ + premere to press]
phr. express oneself 1. 表达自己的思想;发表自己的观点
express oneself well (aptly, clearly and effectively) 很好地(恰当地,清楚有力地)表达自己的意思
express oneself freely 畅所欲言
He expressed himself very strongly on that subject. 他对那个问题发表了非常强烈的看法。
2. (在艺术或创作活动中)表露自己的想象力(或感情等)
The children are expressing themselves in play. 孩子们在游戏中表露自己的创造力。




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