

单词 explode
释义 ex·plode /ɪkˈspləʊd/ vi. | vt.
1. 爆炸;爆破;突然破裂
The bomb exploded at a great distance. 炸弹在很远的地方爆炸。
The firecrackers exploded in his hands. 爆竹在他手里炸响了。
He pumped the ball up too much and it exploded. 他给球打气打得太足,球爆了。
He threw a glass on the stone floor and it exploded like a shot. 他把玻璃杯往石地面上一扔,杯子像霰弹一样崩碎了。
If I eat another bite I'll explode. 我如果再吃一口,肚子就要胀破了。
A dream had exploded. 梦想破灭了。
2. 爆发,突发,迸发
Violence exploded in that region three months ago. 3个月前在那地区爆发了暴力行动。
He exploded with wrath (或 anger). 他勃然大怒。
The sprinter exploded out of the starting blocks. 短跑运动员从起跑器上一下子冲了出去。
The crowd exploded in a frenzy. 人群发狂了。
This contention threatens to explode into direct armed confrontation. 这场争斗有爆发成为直接武装对抗的危险。
The word exploded out of Barby's mouth. 那话从巴比口中一下子嘣了出来。
Clay jars exploded with bouquets. 陶土罐里插满了花束。
3. 激增;迅速扩大
an exploding population 猛增的人口
The cost of new housing has been exploding. 新住房的费用一直在暴涨。
4. (塞音)爆发,破裂
1. 使爆炸;使爆发,使突发
explode firecrackers 放爆竹
Experts were called in to explode the bomb. 专家被召来引爆炸弹。
He exploded his fury at the story they had heard. 他由于他们听到的那段叙述而大发雷霆。
2. 证明…无根据而使之声誉扫地,破除,戳穿
explode an out-of-date theory 破除某一陈旧的理论
explode a rumour 戳穿谣言
3. 用爆发音发出(塞音)
The first p in pop is always exploded, the final p is often not. “pop” 中的第一个“p” 总是发爆发音,而词尾的“p”则常常不爆破。
4. (演员、歌手等)轰下台
[< L explōdere to drive off by clapping, hiss (an actor) off < EX-¹ + plaudere to clap]




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