释义 |
ex·pert /ˈekspɜːt/ n. | a. | vt. | vi. I n. 1. 专家;高手;权威 a foreign expert 外国专家 an electronics expert 电子学专家 an agricultural expert 农业专家 an expert in economics 经济专家 an expert at chess (fancy skating) 下棋(花样滑冰)的高手 He's America's leading expert on Eastern philosophy. 他是美国研究东方哲学的首屈一指的权威。 2. 〈美〉【军】特等射手
II /ˈekspɜːt, ekˈspɜːt/ a. 1. 熟练的;经验(或知识)丰富的 an expert driver 技术高超的驾驶员 a shoemaker with nimble and expert hands 手指灵巧熟练的鞋匠 She's expert in (或 at) teaching small children. 她在幼儿教育方面经验丰富。 He was expert on the piano. 他钢琴弹得非常好。 2. 需要专门技术(或知识)的;专家的;内行的 expert workmanship 精巧的做工 an expert witness 专家证人 an expert opinion 内行的意见
III 〈主美口〉 ❶ vt. 像专家那样检查(或研究);以专家身份检查(或研究);由专家审读(书籍等) He has been in the coal region experting the fields for the company. 他一直在产煤区,以专家身份为公司检查煤田情况。 ❷ vi. 担任专家,做专家工作;成为高手 He devoted much of his life to experting at bridge. 他把一生中的许多时间花在精通桥牌上。 [< L expertus known by experience < experīrī; 见 EXPERIENCE] |