释义 |
ex·am·ine /ɪɡˈzæmɪn/ vt. | vi. ❶ vt. 1. 检查;调查;仔细观察 The doctor examined the girl carefully and found her in perfect health. 医生为女孩仔细检查身体,发现她健康状况极好。 examine sb.'s motives 调查某人的动机 examine the reasons for policy shifts 研究政策改变的理由 2. 查讯,审查 examine a suspected person 查问涉嫌者 The lawyer examined the witness. 律师讯问证人。 3. 对…进行考查(或测验) examine sb. in French (或 on his knowledge of French) 考某人法文 4. 把(人体、动物、器官等)交付剖检 ❷ vi. 进行检查(或调查、审查) examine into a rumour 对谣言进行调查 [< OFr examiner < L exāmināre to weigh < exāmen; 见 EXAMEN] |