释义 |
e·volve /ɪˈvɒlv/ vt. | vi. ❶ vt. 1. 使逐步形成,作出,设计出,制订;发展,展开 evolve a cure for sth. 想出疗救某事的对策 He evolved a new system for running the factory. 他制订了一套管理工厂的新制度。 New packing materials are being evolved which are light and strong. 轻巧而坚实的新包装材料正在试制出来。 It sounds as if you evolved this theory out of thin air. 听上去你的这套理论是无中生有。 evolve social, political, and literary philosophies 逐步发展社会哲学、政治哲学和文艺哲学 2. 【生】进化形成;发育成 long, powerful, agile legs perfectly evolved for the tundra 为适应冻土带而长就的敏捷有力的长腿 3. 释放,散出(气体、气味、热等) evolve carbon dioxide 释放出二氧化碳 4. 引申出,推断出 evolve a new set of axioms from those premises 从那些前提推导出一套新的准则 ❷ vi. 演化,发展,逐步形成;展开;【生】进化;成长,发育 The modern automobile evolved from the horse and buggy. 现代汽车是从单马马车演化而来的。 Hygiene has evolved into preventive medicine. 卫生学已逐步发展成为预防医学。 Language slowly but constantly evolves from older forms into new ones. 语言缓慢然而不断地从较旧的形式发展到较新的形式。 Mammals evolved from reptiles. 哺乳动物是从爬行动物进化而来的。 Buds evolve into flowers. 蓓蕾开放成花。 [<L ēvolvere to roll out or forth < volvere to roll] |