释义 |
e·vac·u·ate /ɪˈvækjʊeɪt/ vt. | vi. ❶ vt. 1. 撤离,撤出;搬出 evacuate a city under attack 撤离受到进攻的城市 evacuate territories 撤离某些地区 After surrendering, the soldiers evacuated the fort. 士兵们投降后撤出了要塞。 They were ordered to evacuate the building. 他们被勒令搬出那幢大楼。 2. 撤退,撤走;转移,疏散 evacuate American citizens from the war-torn land 把美国公民从遭受战祸的地方撤走 The irreplaceable treasures had been evacuated to safety. 那些若遭损失就无法补偿的宝物已被送往安全的地方。 During the war their school had been evacuated to the country. 战争期间他们的学校被疏散到乡下去。 3. 使空;撤空;抽空 a highly evacuated glass tube 高度真空的玻璃管 4. 排空(肠胃等);排除;清除;排泄(粪便等) evacuate the stomach 排空胃 evacuate the pus 排脓 ❷ vi. 1. (有组织地)撤离;撤退;疏散 We will have to evacuate if the flood gets any worse. 假如水灾情况恶化,我们只得撤离。 2. 排粪;排尿 [< L ēvacuāre < E- + vacuus empty] |