

单词 establishment
释义 es·tab·lish·ment /ɪˈstæblɪʃmənt/ n. | a.
I n.
1. 建立;确立;确定;制定
The establishment of the factory took several years. 那家工厂的兴建花了好几年。
The custom has already achieved establishment. 那风俗已经确立。
the establishment of a new set of laws 一套新法律的制定
2. (包括雇员、设备、场地、货物等在内的)企业;建立的机构(如军队、军事机构、行政机关、学校、医院、教会)(包括仆从在内的)家庭;住宅;编制;人员
a foreign policy establishment 制订外交政策的机构
industrial and mining establishments 工矿企业
commercial establishments (旅馆、饭店等) 商业单位
an ammunition establishment 弹药库
These two hotels are both excellent establishments. 这两家旅馆都办得很好。
He marched down the passage, and the establishment ducked and smiled. 他顺着过道走去,全体人员都点头弯腰并致以微笑。
3. 法典,法规
4. [the establishment 或 the E-] (一国的)统治集团,权势集团;国家权力结构,社会现存权力结构(在英国由教会、王室、财阀组成,反对变革)
top members of the Establishment 领导集团的最高级人士
between the establishment and the rank-and-file 在权贵与普通人之间
America's establishment is inclined to cast its lot with ... 美国的权势集团倾向于支持…
The establishment distrusted them. 当局不信任他们。
5. [亦作E-](任何机构、团体的)当权派,领导核心人士
the Republican Party establishment 共和党核心集团
the Oxbridge Establishment 牛津大学和剑桥大学的有权势人物
a member of the Washington political establishment 华盛顿政界领导人之一
the attitude of the scientific establishment 科学界权威人士的态度
The Church was not simply the religious but also the intellectual Establishment of its time. 教会不单单统治着当时的宗教界,而且还统治着当时的文化知识界。
They tried unsuccessfully to reduce the size and influence of the military establishment. 他们试图削减军方领导机关的规模和势力而未获成功。
6. 传统社会;现存社会体制;已确立的社会秩序
Pearls were downgraded in past years for representing the tired chic of the establishment. 珍珠在过去几年中因代表传统社会的陈腐时尚而被贬抑。
7. 承认为国教;国教
8. [常作 the E-]英国国教;苏格兰长老会
9. 固定收入;可靠的生计;固定地位(或职务)
10. 安顿;成家立业;安身立命
They showed their anxiety for the establishment of their daughters. 他们急于想使女儿们结婚成家。
11. 定居

II a.
1. [常作E-]有权势的;权势集团的
Establishment figures 有权势的人物
The Prince loves to deflate Establishment airs. 那位王子喜欢放下权贵的架子。
2. [亦作E-]拥护(或代表)现存社会体制(或现有权力结构)
Establishment people 拥护现存社会体制 (或现有权力结构) 的人
They accused the paper of being an establishment mouthpiece. 他们指责该报是官方的喉舌。
the Establishment view 当局的观点
establishment-minded 一心想维护现有权力结构的
He is being Establishment. 他这会儿代表既成体制的利益 (或观点)
3. 传统社会的;已确立的
The nouvelle coiffure is beginning to affect the establishment hairdressers and customers. 新的发式正开始影响传统的理发师和顾客。




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