释义 |
err /ɜː(r)/ vi. | phr. vi. 1. 犯错误;(陈述、仪器等)出差错 He erred in failing to prepare the public for it. 他错在没有事先使公众对那件事有思想准备。 The magazine erred in reporting that ... 这家杂志关于…的报道是不正确的。 a gauge that must not err by more than 0.01mm. 误差不得超过0.01毫米的量规 err on the right (或 safe) side 为求稳妥而故作不合算的行动 I preferred to err on the side of letting him to learn too slowly. 我宁可让他学得过慢 (而不求过快)。 It's better to err on the side of caution. 再谨慎小心也不为过。 2. 作恶,犯罪 3. 〈古〉入歧途;迷路 [< ME erren to wander, stray < OFr errer < L errāre] phr. To err is human; to forgive, divine. 〈谚〉犯错人皆难免;宽恕则属超凡。 |