释义 |
e·rode /ɪˈrəʊd/ vt. | vi. ❶ vt. 1. 腐蚀;侵蚀;磨损;磨去 Acid erodes metal. 酸腐蚀金属。 The raging flood waters eroded the fertile farmland. 汹涌的洪水侵蚀了肥沃的农地。 Cancer had eroded the bone. 癌已侵入骨内。 The sculptor's chisel slowly eroded the stone slab. 雕刻家的凿子慢慢地琢磨着石板。 2. 逐步毁坏,削弱,损害 Rising prices might erode purchasing power. 正在上涨的价格可能会破坏购买力。 Business confidence is badly eroded. 经营的信心已大大减退。 Illegally priced steel is eroding the market. 非法定价的钢材正在侵害市场。 3. 腐蚀成;侵蚀成 Glaciers erode U-shaped valleys. 冰川蚀出U字形山谷。 ❷ vi. 被腐蚀;遭侵蚀;受到破坏 Over the years their power has eroded considerably. 这些年来他们的权力大大削弱了。 [< L ērōdere to eat away < rōdere to gnaw] |