

单词 enter
释义 en·ter /ˈentə(r)/ vt. | vi. | phr.
1. 进入;穿入
enter a house 进屋
The bullet entered his head. 子弹射入他的头部。
The idea had never entered his head. 他从未想到过这种念头。
He was famous by the time he entered his early thirties. 他30出头就已经出名了。
2. 参加,加入;成为…的一员
enter the army 从军
enter a war 参战
enter a contest (a discussion) 参加竞赛 (讨论)
He entered the university at eighteen. 他18岁时进了大学。
3. 登记,登录;把…编入;刊印
enter the names of qualified voters 登记合格选民的姓名
enter a book in a catalogue 把书编入目录
Please enter a subscription for one year. 请预订一年。
His entertaining could be entered as business expense. 他的招待费可作为业务开支入账。
In a dictionary words are entered in alphabetical order. 词典里单词按字母顺序排列刊印。
4. 使进入,使参加;放入,插入
enter a boy at a school 使一男孩入学
enter a horse in a race 使一匹马参加比赛
He entered a landscape painting in the Exposition. 他把一幅风景画送展览会展出。
She entered the key in the door. 她把钥匙插进门锁。
5. 开始;开始从事;开始进入;开始研讨
enter business 开始经商
enter politics 开始从政
After years of training, the doctor entered the practice of medicine. 经过多年训练之后,那位医生开始行医了。
For the moment I will not enter the question. 我暂时不谈这个问题。
6. (船或货物)申报海关
The cargo having been entered in due form, we began trading. 我们把货物按规定方式报关后便开始进行贸易。
7. (书面)提出(抗议等)
enter a proposal 提书面建议
8. 正式书面提出;递呈;登记;对(某块公地)提出所有权要求
enter a writ 发出令状
enter a judgment 作出判决
Some prisoners entered formal appeals against their verdicts and sentences. 有些犯人对其所受裁决和课刑正式提出上诉。
9. 进入并占有(土地等)
1. 进去,进来,进入
Let them enter. 让他们进来。
Knock on the door before you enter. 进入前先敲门。
2. 登场,上场,上
Enter Romeo (或 Romeo enters) [舞台指示用语] 罗密欧上
3. 报名参加;入学;参加比赛
He asked at what school she would enter. 他问她想进哪所学校。
entering freshmen (大学的) 入学新生
Three days before the race he decided not to enter. 比赛举行前3天,他决定不参加了。
4. 刺入,穿入
[< OFr entrer < L intrāre to go in < intrā within]
phr. enter for (为…) 报名参加
John entered (himself) for the examination. 约翰报名参加考试。
enter into 1. 参加;开始从事;进入;开始受 (条约、协议等) 约束
enter into a conversation (a debate) 参加谈话 (辩论)
enter into business 开始经商
The two powers entered into boundary negotiations. 两大国开始进行边界问题谈判。
enter into a deep coma 陷入深度昏迷
A strange idea entered into his head. 他想到了一个怪念头。
A tone of menace entered into her voice. 她的声音带上了威胁的口气。
enter into a contract with a firm 与一商号订立合同
enter into an important agreement 达成一项重要协议
2. 是…的一部分;构成…的一部分
Tin enters into the composition of pewter. 锡是白镴的组成部分。
John's accident didn't enter into our plans. 约翰突遇不测,这未在我们原先的估计之中。
The principle of nuclear fission enters into the operation of a nuclear reactor. 核裂变原理是原子核反应堆作用的一部分。
3. 考虑;讨论;审议
He had barely entered into the matter when the bell rang. 他刚开始谈到那事情,铃声就响了。
Let's enter into the subject of taxes. 咱们现在来讨论一下税款问题。
The book doesn't enter into the moral aspect of the issue. 那本书没有研讨这个问题的道德方面。
4. 分担;分享;同情,体谅
He couldn't enter into the festive spirit of the occasion. 他的心情无法与那个场合的欢乐气氛相协调。
enter on (或 upon) 1. 正式开始;着手做;开始考虑
He entered upon the new enterprise cautiously. 他谨慎地开始了新的事业。
He entered on his professional duties as soon as he finished law school. 他法学院一毕业就开始了律师业务。
Once he had entered upon a question, he would never stop. 他一旦着手考虑某个问题,就决不中途停止。
2. 正式占有 (财产、土地等)
enter up 登录,登记 (款项等);在…上记毕
The cashbook had not been properly entered up. 现金簿上款项没有按要求登记。
Have you entered up your payments? 你把付款全记上了吗?




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