en·tan·gle /ɪnˈtæŋɡl/ vt. 1. 缠住,套住;使纠缠 My fishing line got entangled in weeds. 我的钓丝给水草缠住了。 entangle a bird in the coils of a net 使鸟缠在网圈里 2. 使卷入,使陷入;牵连,连累 He was entangled by intrigue. 他陷入了阴谋圈套。 3. 弄乱;使混乱,使错综复杂 The kitten entangled the ball of yarn. 小猫把线团弄得乱七八糟。 His explanation only served to entangle the question further. 他的解释只是使问题更复杂化了。