

单词 enough
释义 e·nough /ɪˈnʌf/ a. | n. | ad. | int. | phr.
I a.
There is enough food (或 food enough) for everybody. 有足够的食物供大家吃。
He has enough money (或 money enough) to buy a car. 他有足够的钱买一辆汽车。
Are there enough seats for all? 有足够的坐位让大家坐吗?
I was fool enough to believe him. 我够傻的,竟会去相信他。
Are you man enough for this dangerous job? 你有没有足够的男子汉气概去做这一危险的工作?
John was coward enough to agree. 约翰真是个胆小鬼,竟然同意了。

II n.
Enough were present to constitute a quorum. 出席的人数够法定人数。
Not enough is known about this subject. 有关这个题目了解的还不多。
Enough said. 讲得够了。(或:不用再说什么了。)
We have enough of everything except beer. 我们除啤酒外什么都够了。
He earned enough to buy himself a new car. 他挣了足够的钱给自己买辆新汽车。
He was enough of a fool to do that. 他真是个笨蛋,去做这么一件事。
Three daughters are enough of a burden. 有3个女儿,担子够重的了。
I really can't say enough about his help. 他对我的帮助实在是说不尽。

III ad.
1. 足够地,充分地
Have you played enough? 你玩够了吗?
He does not advertise enough. 他广告做得不够充分。
Are these shoes large enough (for you)? 这鞋 (你穿) 尺寸够大吗?
He was old enough to be my father. 他年纪大得可以做我父亲了。
She looked enough like her mother so I recognized her at once. 她长得挺像她母亲,所以我马上认出了她。
I have spoken to him enough this morning. 今天早上我跟他谈得很充分。
I really can't thank you enough. 我实在对你感谢不尽。
I can't stress it enough. 这一点我再强调也不会过分。
He was not an important enough figure. 他还算不上是个重要人物。
He gave us little enough encouragement. 他对我们的鼓励很不够。
She was an old enough hand to know that. 她是个老手,因而知道那一点。
2. 很,十分
You know well enough what I mean. 你很明白我的意思。
She would know soon enough. 她很快就会知道的。
He is ready enough to embrace the offer. 他十分愿意接受那个提议。
3. 相当,尚
She talks well enough for a baby. 作为一个娃娃,她说话口齿可算清楚的了。
She sings (cooks) well enough. 她歌唱得 (饭菜做得) 还可以。
He is fond enough of his son, but would prefer to stay alone. 他相当喜欢自己的儿子,但还是宁愿一个人呆着。
This dress is good enough for that party. 穿这套服装去参加那个聚会可以对付过去了。

IV int.
phr. cry “enough认输,服输
enough and to spare 足够而且有余,绰绰有余
Enough is as good as a feast. 饱餐不比筵席差。(或:知足常乐。)
Enough is enough. 要适可而止。
fair enough 见 fair¹
have had enough of (某人或某事) 感到腻烦而无法再容忍
more than enough 1. 绰绰有余
2. 过分,太多
Once is more than enough. (像这种作法) 一次也已经是过分了。
oddly (或 curiously, strangely) enough 说来也奇怪
He's lived in France for years, but strangely enough he can't speak a word of French. 他在法国住过多年,但奇怪的是他连一个法语词也不会讲。
sure enough 见 sure
◇注解1. enough 在限定复数名词或不可数名词时,可放在该名词之前,也可放在该名词之后,如enough money (people) 或 money (people) enough; 但在限定单数可数名词时则必须放在该名词之后,如: fool (man, coward) enough; 2. enough 后接 that 从句是相当普通的用法,尤其是在美国,如 He's old enough that he can do it. (他年龄够大了,能做那件事。) 但有人认为这种用法不妥;3. sufficient 与 enough 同义,但更为正式。此外,sufficient 较强调程度,而 enough 则侧重数量
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