释义 |
am·ple /ˈæmpl/ a. 1. 大量的,充裕的,丰富的 The city's many cultural and sports facilities offer ample recreation. 这座城市的许多文体设施提供了充分的娱乐活动。 He has ample resources. 他很富有。 an ample biography 材料翔实的传记 2. 足够的 Thirty dollars will be ample for the purpose. 有30块钱尽够用了。 There is ample room for the children on the back seat. 后座的空间足可容纳孩子们。 The sun was setting fast, but there was still ample light. 夕阳西下很快,但是还有足够的昼光。 There is ample reason to be optimistic about it. 有充分的理由对此持乐观态度。 3. 宽敞的;面积大的 an ample table 一张大桌 an ample lawn 大草坪 4. 〈婉〉粗壮的;肥大的,丰满的 [OFr < L amplus wide, large] |