释义 |
emp·ty /ˈemptɪ/ a. | vt. | vi. | n. | phr. I a. 1. 空的;(房屋等)无人的,无人居住的,无家具设备的;(车、船等)未载东西的 an empty box 空盒 an empty seat 空坐位 an empty stomach 空肚子 His purse was empty. 他钱包空空。 Before the bottle was a third empty, he began to tell me the story. 瓶里的酒还没喝掉三分之一,他就开始对我讲述那件事了。 The birds had gone and their nest was left empty. 鸟去巢空。 2. 空虚的;无意义的;缺乏力量(或效果)的;不真实的 an empty threat 虚张声势的威胁 empty words (动听的) 空话 an empty pleasure 无谓的乐事 an empty dream 不现实的梦想 an empty promise 不兑现的诺言 Officials were flattered by empty compliments. 官员们被空洞的恭维话弄得心里美滋滋的。 3. 没有见识的,无知的,愚蠢的;轻浮的 an empty head 无知的头脑 an empty coxcomb 不学无术的花花公子 4. 空闲的;白费的,无用的 after two empty days 空闲两天之后 She stood there, the weight of empty time heavy on her. 她站在那儿,感到闲得发慌。 a certain amount of empty mileage 一段白走的路程 5. 毫无表情的,呆板的 an empty face 毫无表情的脸 She looked at him with empty eyes. 她木然地看着他。 say in an empty voice 用呆板的声调说 6. 〈口〉肚子空的,饿的 feel empty 感到肚子饿 7. 寂寥的,冷落的,杳无人烟的;缺乏温暖舒适的 walk in quiet, empty places after dark 天黑后在静悄悄、空荡荡的地方行走 the empty silence of the night 夜晚的空寂宁静 a cold and empty wasteland 寒冷而没有人烟的荒原 8. (母牛等家畜)没有怀孕的 9. 【数】【逻】不具有任何分子的 an empty class 空类 (或零类)
II ❶ vt. 1. 使空 empty a glass 把玻璃杯中物喝干 empty an ashtray 把烟灰缸倒干净 empty a house 搬空房屋 He emptied the bottle of water, and then filled it with beer. 他倒光瓶里的水,然后把它灌满啤酒。 He didn't empty our joint checking account. 他没有取光我俩共有的活期存款。 2. 使失去 (of) empty a phrase of all meaning 使词语毫无意义 empty an agreement of its content 使协议成为一纸空文 His eyes emptied themselves of light and intelligence. 他的眼神失却了光辉和智慧。 3. 使排出 The stream emptied itself into the river. 溪水流入小河。 All the tyres on his lorry had mysteriously emptied themselves of air. 他卡车上的所有轮胎都莫名其妙地瘪了。 4. 把(连发手枪等)的子弹射光 He emptied his revolver into Foster's head. 他把左轮手枪的全部子弹都射进福斯特的脑袋。 5. 倒出;把…移出 empty the grain from a sack 从袋中倒出粮食 empty the furniture from a house 把家具搬出房子 They emptied basket after basket of cabbages onto the truck. 他们把一筐一筐的白菜倒在卡车上。 No waste or garbage may be emptied on highways. 公路上不准倾倒废物与垃圾。 ❷ vi. 1. 成为空的 The theatre emptied rapidly after the show ended. 演出结束后,剧场很快就走空了。 2. 流出;走出 The Mississippi River empties into the Gulf of Mexico. 密西西比河流入墨西哥湾。 People were emptying out of all the exits from the building. 人们正从大楼的所有出口处走出来。
III n. 〈口〉空瓶;空桶;空箱;空盒;空(货)车;空出租汽车 liquor empties 空酒瓶 [< OE æ-mtig < æmetta free time < æ- without + -metta < mōtan to be obliged to] phr. empty of 缺乏,无 His words are quite empty of meaning. 他的话实在没有意义。He drove through streets empty of traffic. 他开车穿过一条条车辆行人稀少的街道。“Yes,”she said, her voice absolutely empty of emotion. “是的,”她说道,声音十分冷漠。 |