释义 |
e·merge /ɪˈmɜːdʒ/ vi. 1. 浮现;出现;出来 (from) Land emerged from the sea. 陆地从大海中浮现。 The sun emerged from behind a cloud. 太阳从云朵后钻出。 From these heated debates the Prime Minister emerged victor. 经过这几番激烈的辩论,首相获得胜利。 The doctor emerged from the house. 医生从屋子里出来。 2. (问题、困难等)发生,显露;(事实、意见等)暴露,被知晓 Differences on the issues have emerged. 对于重大问题出现了分歧意见。 It emerges that her past behaviour was far from irreproachable. 真相暴露了,她过去的行为远不是无可指摘的。 After thorough investigation there emerged an overall picture. 经彻底调查,总的情况明朗了。 3. (从微贱、困苦等中)露头,出头;兴起 emerge as a leader 出头当领袖 Out of these narrow streets, one emerges on to a spacious square. 走出这些狭窄的街道便是一个宽敞的广场。 A modern industrial country is now emerging. 一个现代化的工业国现正崛起。 4. 进化而成 the ancestors from which vertebrates emerged 脊椎动物的祖先 5. (昆虫、茧等)出壳,孵出 [< L ēmergere to rise up from < E- + mergere to dip] |