释义 |
ed·it /ˈedɪt/ vt. | n. I vt. 1. 编辑,编选,选辑;校订 edit the complete works of Allen Poe 编爱伦·坡作品全集 Scholars often edit Shakespeare's plays. 学者们常校订莎士比亚的剧本。 edit one's thoughts before speaking 演说前整理一下思想 2. 主编(报纸、 杂志等);充任(出版物、 专栏等)的编辑 edit a daily newspaper 主编一份日报 3. (为达到某种标准或为某一目的)修改;改写 He carefully edited his speech. 他仔细修改自己的讲稿。 4. 剪辑(影片、 录音等) The edited film is a selected assembly of many “bits and pieces” of all kinds. 剪辑片系选辑形形色色的“片断和点滴”而成。 5. 删节;删去;去掉(out) Letters are subject to editing for reasons of space and clarity. 由于篇幅所限并为简明计,信件刊登时容有删节。 edit out undesirable film 剪去所拍胶片中不合意的部分 All references to the scandal were edit ed out of the tape. 所有涉及到这件丑闻的内容都从录音带中抹掉了。 Plants in the window have been edited down to two tall large ones. 橱窗里的花木减少到只剩两大棵了。
II n. 〈口〉 1. 编辑;校订;剪辑;编辑工作 The last edit keeps the movie's action from sagging. 最后一次的剪辑使影片情节免于枯燥乏味。 2. 社论 I've read your edit in today's issue. 我已经读了今天你们刊物上的社论了。 [editor的逆构] |