释义 |
ebb /eb/ n. | vi. | phr. I n. 1. 落潮,退潮 The tide is on the ebb. 正在退潮。 The tide stood at the ebb. 潮水退落了。 2. 低落;衰退;低点 The financial resources have reached a low ebb. 财源已濒于枯竭。 The suppression brought the workers' movement to a temporary ebb. 镇压使工人运动暂时处于低潮。 His political power plunged to its lowest ebb. 他的政治权力下跌到最低点。
II vi. 1. (潮)落,(潮)退 The tide will begin to ebb at four. 4点钟将开始落潮。 2. 低落;衰退 The daytime crowd ebbed. 白天的人群渐渐稀少起来。 The sobs ebbed away like ruined echoes. 呜咽声像消散的回声似地渐变微弱。 The danger of conflict is not ebbing there. 冲突的危险在那里并未减退。 She softly ebbed to sleep. 她安然入睡了。 His strength was ebbing fast. 他的体力在迅速衰退。 [<ME ebbe < OE ebba; 与 MD ebbe ebb, OE of from 有关] phr. at a low ebb 处于低潮;处于衰退状态 Relations between the two countries were at a low ebb. 两国关系处于低潮。The President is at a low ebb in public-opinion polls. 总统在民意测验中显得威信低落。ebb and flow 涨落;盛衰;消长 A strange violent joy kept ebbing and flowing through her. 一种奇异而强烈的愉悦感在她身上时起时落。the ebb and flow of the struggles between the hardliners and the moderates 强硬派和温和派之间斗争的消长 |