释义 |
each /iːtʃ/ a. | pron. | ad. | phr. I a. (两个或两个以上人、 物中)各,各自的,每 There is a line of trees on each side of the river. 河的两旁各有一行树。 Each child has an ice cream. 每个孩子有一份冰淇淋。 Hurricanes like this occur each few years. 这样的飓风每隔几年刮一场。
II pron. 各个,每个 Each did his share. 各人做了自己的一份工作。 Choose one of each. 各样选一个。 Each is worse than the one before. 一个比一个差。 Each of them is to pay his own fine.(或 Each of them are to pay their own fine.) 他们得各人付自己的罚款。
III ad. 对各个,对每个 These pencils are fifty cents each. 这些铅笔每支50分。 The children each have an ice cream. 孩子们个个有一份冰淇淋。 Three human beings have each lived by grace of another person's heart for seven years. 已有3个人靠着别人的心脏活了7年。
◇注解1. each 可以指两个或两个以上,而 everybody 只能指两个以上。如There were two boys who called and I gave an apple to each. (不能用 everybody) 但 There were three boys who called and I gave an apple to each (或 everybody). 2. each 和 every 作形容词用时, each 更强调各别,而 every 则更着重整体概念。在句子 Each dog has a name 中,强调的是这群狗(或这两条狗)中的各条狗有自己的名字;而Every dog has a name 是指这群狗中所有的狗都无一例外地有个名字 3. 有些英美人只在指两者之间时使用 each other, 两个以上时则使用 one another, 但大多数人对此不加分别 [<OE æ-lc< ā ever + gelīc alike] phr. each and all 全部 They bade me a most disconcerting farewell — each and all spat at me. 他们对我告别的方式叫我狼狈不堪——所有的人全往我身上啐唾沫。each and every [用于强调]每一个 They blamed their leaders for each and every disaster. 每发生一次灾祸他们都责怪他们的领导人。each other 互相 They hate eachother. 他们互相憎恨。The two accidents occurred within an hour of eachother. 两次事故相隔不到1个小时。They visited each other's homes. 他们互相拜访了对方的家。each to each 一一对应地 |