释义 |
dump¹ /dʌmp/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr. I ❶ vt. 1. 倾卸,倾倒;把…倒空 They dumped the gravel in the driveway. 他们把砾石倾卸在车道上。 He opened his bag and dumped its contents on the desk. 他打开包,把里面的东西倒在书桌上。 I dumped out my briefcase on the table. 我把公文包里的东西都倒在桌上。 2. 猛地扔下;沉重地放下 She dumped the heavy bag on the table. 她把沉重的包扔在桌上。 Dump your luggage here. 把你的行李放在这里。 3. 倒掉,扔掉;【空】应急放(油) dump nuclear waste at sea 把核废物倒在海里 When he died, his body was dumped in the river. 他死后尸体被丢进河里。 The youth was seized, severely beaten and then dumped out of an automobile. 那青年被抓住,给痛打一顿,又从汽车里给扔了出来。 an airplane dumping gasoline 正在应急放油的飞机 4. 〈口〉处理掉,除掉;丢弃;摆脱,推卸 dump a consignment of prisoners in a remote virgin forest 将一批罪犯放逐到遥远的原始森林 dump one's wife 抛弃妻子 dump a plan 放弃计划 be dumped by the voters 遭到投票人的屏弃 He tried to dump the blame on me. 他企图把责任推到我头上来。 Why didn't you dump the problem in his lap? 你为什么不把问题推到他身上去呢? 5. (向国外)倾销,抛售 dump one's surplus production on foreign countries 把剩余产品向外国倾销 dump large quantities of substandard machines on the market at cut-rate prices 将大量次品机器削价向市场抛售 6. 大量放出,大量发出 dump commercials on news shows 在新闻节目中大量播放商业广告 7. (临时)堆放,堆集 dump arms 堆放武器 8. 〈美俚〉故意输掉(比赛) A few players accepted bribes to dump games. 有几名队员接受贿赂故意输掉比赛。 9. 〈美俚〉击倒,打倒 The man rushed out and dumped him. 那人冲到外面把他打倒在地。 10. 【计】转储;转出,倾卸;切断(计算机)的电源 11. 【美橄】向后卫作(短传) 12. 〈主澳〉(波浪)把(游泳者或冲浪者)高高抛下 13. 〈澳〉(用水压机)压紧(羊毛捆) 14. (未经宣传或预映)直接放映(影片) ❷ vi. 1. 倾卸,倾倒 2. 倒垃圾 No dumping here. 此处不准倒垃圾。 3. 倾销,抛售 4. 突然掉下,砰地落下
II n. 1. 垃圾(或废物)堆场;垃圾(或废物)堆 the city dump 城市垃圾堆场 2. 倾倒,倾卸;泥土(或矿石)堆 a mine dump 矿山废石堆 3. 倾销,抛售;倾销(或抛售)的货物 4. 【军】(弹药装备等的)临时堆集处,补给品堆集所;堆集的储备物资 an ammunition dump 弹药临时堆集处 5. 〈口〉(垃圾堆似的)脏地方,乱七八糟的地方,邋遢场所;下流场所;建筑物,地方,场所 Life in such a dump is unbearable. 在这种脏地方过日子真受不了。 The town wasn't much of a dump. 这个镇子算不上是座城镇。 The hotel is a swell dump. 这家宾馆是个绝好的去处。 6. 【计】转储;转出,倾卸 search out an error in a dump 找出转储错误 7. 〈主美〉〈粗〉拉屎 take a dump 拉屎 8. (冲浪运动中的)大浪 9. = dump truck [? Scan; 比较 Norw dumpa to fall suddenly, MLG dumpein to duck²] phr. dump on 1. 〈口〉欺骗,使上当;占…的便宜 be often dumped on 常常上当 dump on an apprentice 占学徒的便宜 2. 〈美俚〉蔑视;使降低身份 3. 〈美口〉诘难 |