drunk·en /ˈdrʌŋkən/I a. 1. 醉的;常醉的,常酗酒的 a drunken driver 喝醉的司机 When he was drunken, he was vulgar and silly. 他醉时又粗俗又胡涂。 2. (似)酒醉引起的 drunken words 醉言 a drunken brawl(quarrel) 醉后的胡闹(争吵) The audience gave us a big round of applause and there was drunken cheering. 听众给我们大鼓了一阵掌,接着是如醉如痴的喝彩。 3. (喝醉般)摇晃不稳的,东倒西歪的 The ring, which was of metal, rolled in a drunken arc. 金属环歪歪斜斜地呈弧形滚动。 4. (螺丝、 管子等)螺距不等的 5. 〈废〉湿透的;浸透的 II 〈古〉drink的过去分词