释义 |
drum¹ /drʌm/ n. | vi. | vt. | phr. I n. 1. 鼓;鼓声;[drums] (爵士乐队等的)敲击乐组 2. 打鼓人,(军)鼓手 3. (打鼓似的)冬冬声,敲击声;似击鼓的动作 the drum of fingers on a table 手指在桌上敲出的笃笃声 woodpeckers' drums 啄木鸟的连续啄击 4. 鼓状物;(容积为12-110加仑的)(金属)桶 a petrol drum 汽油桶 a drum of oil 一桶油 5. (自动武器的)鼓形弹匣;【机】鼓轮;卷筒,滚筒 6. 【计】磁鼓 7. 【建】(穹顶的)鼓形座;(建柱子用的)圆鼓石 8. 【解】鼓膜,耳鼓;鼓室,中耳;(动物的)共鸣器官(如吼猴的舌骨) 9. = drumfish 10. 〈澳口〉妓院 11. 〈俚〉囚室 12. 〈英口〉房屋;一套房间 13. 〈澳口〉可靠的内部消息 14. 〈澳俚〉(流动工的)行李包 15. (旧时的)傍晚茶会,午茶会
II (drummed; drum·ming) ❶ vi. 1. 打鼓,击鼓 2. 有节奏地敲击(或跳动) He drummed on the table with his fingers. 他用手指在桌上嗒嗒地敲击。 Her fingers drummed against her handbag. 她的手指在手提包上嗒嗒地弹击。 The rain drummed on the roof. 雨嗒嗒地打在屋顶上。 The liquor he had drunk drummed at his temples. 喝下的酒使他的太阳穴突突地跳动。 The thought was drumming in his mind that he should go at once. 应该立刻就去的想法在他头脑里不停地回响着。 3. 击鼓似地响;鸣响 My ears drummed. 我耳鸣。 The train drummed over the bridge. 火车轰鸣着驶过桥梁。 4. (鸟、 昆虫等)振翅发扑扑声 5. 鼓吹 (for) drum for war 鼓吹战争 6. 〈俚〉急驶,飞驰 ❷ vt. 1. 有节奏地敲击(鼓等) drum the table with one's fingertips 用手指尖嗒嗒地敲击桌子 Hundreds of hooves drummed the earth. 数以百计的马蹄嗒嗒地踩过地面。 2. 击鼓奏出;有节奏地击出 drum a strange beat 击出奇怪的节拍 Rain drummed an accompaniment to his words. 嗒嗒的雨声像是为他的话作着伴奏。 3. 用(手等)有节奏地拍击(upon, on) Stop drumming your fingers on the table! 别再用手指叩击桌子了! 4. 反复讲,灌输;鼓吹 It took him hours to drum these points home. 他讲了好几个小时才讲清这些要点。 drum a rule into sb.'s head (或 ear) 对某人反复强调一条规定 5. 为…击鼓 I'll drum you a dance. 我要为你跳舞击鼓伴奏。 6. (击鼓)召集,征集 7. 把…装桶 8. 〈俚〉敲(住所等)的门以确定是否有人在内;(女佣)打入…之家为同伙日后行窃探路 9. 〈澳口〉通知;给…暗示 [<? MD tromme < 拟声] phr. (as) tight as a drum 非常紧 (身)的 beat (或 bang) the drum of (或 for) 竭力鼓吹 (或支持)More than once the politicians have beaten the drum for (against) a stronger navy. 政界人士多次竭力主张(反对)加强海军。drum in 〈口〉反复强调;强行灌输 The teacher tried to drum in the formula, but the students were not listening. 教师设法讲清这条公式,可是学生们不在听。drum out 1. 轰走;开除 The officer was drummed out of the force. 那军官被从部队开除。2. (击鼓)发出 (消息等) drum up 1. (击鼓)纠集,召集 drum up new recruits 征募新兵 drum up a movement 组织运动 2. 竭力争取;兜揽 (生意等)drum up support 争取支持 drum up business (或 trade) 兜揽生意 drum up tourists 招徕旅游客 3. 编造 drum up a story 编造假话 drum up a new method 想出一种新方法 4. 激起 drum up opposition to 挑起同…的对立 drum up sentiment against 挑起对…的不满情绪 5. 〈俚〉用野营铁罐沏茶 follow the drum 当兵 have sb.'s drum done 〈俚〉派侦探搜查某人住所 march to the drum 按节奏行动 The market still marches to the old inflation drum. 市场依然按老一套的通货膨胀规律活动。pop a drum 〈俚〉震聋一只耳朵 with drums and trumpets 大吹大擂地,大张旗鼓地 |