

单词 amenity
释义 a·men·i·ty /əˈmiːnətɪ əˈmen-/
1. [常作 amenities] 生活福利设施;便利设施
civic amenities such as swimming pools and libraries 诸如游泳池和图书馆之类的市民福利设施
tourist (cultural) amenities 旅游(文化)设施
The hotel has an indoor pool and sauna among the amenities. 这家旅馆除了其他设施还有一个室内游泳池和桑拿浴室。
Improved amenities have helped to lighten household work. 改良型的家用设备有助于减轻家务劳动。
I excused myself and had to go downstairs to find the amenities. 我说了声失陪,不得不下楼找厕所去。
a city with every modern amenity 拥有各种现代化设施的城市
2. (设施齐全的)福利生活区
develop an area as an amenity 开发一地区使之成为现代化生活区
The amenity block has a supermarket, a barber-shop, and a launderette. 福利生活区设一家超市、一家理发厅和一家自动洗衣店。
3. 舒适,宜人
We went south to enjoy the amenity of a warm climate. 我们到南方去避寒。
sb.'s amenity of temper 某人温良的脾性
The prisoner secured the return of some of the basic amenities of life. 囚犯争得一些最起码的生活便利。
the amenities of literature 文学的乐趣
4. [amenities] 礼节,礼仪
the amenities of diplomacy 外交礼节
The (social) amenities completed, the guest put down his drink and opened his briefcase. 一番客套寒暄之后,来客搁下手中的饮料,打开皮包。
[< L amoenitās < amoenus pleasant + -ITY]




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