

单词 drop
释义 drop /drɒp/ n. | vi. | vt. | phr.
I n.
1. (一)滴; [drops] 滴剂
a drop of water 一滴水
nose drops 滴鼻剂
2. (液体的)微量;一点点,点滴;米宁(药剂液量单位)
a drop of rum 一点点朗姆酒
If you want more wine, there's a drop left. 如果你要再来点酒,这儿还剩一点。
without even a drop of mercy 毫无恻隐之心地
3. 一点酒;一杯酒
have (或 take) a drop to steady one's nerves 喝点酒定定神
He joined me for a drop. 他同我一起喝了一杯。
4. 滴状物(如水果硬糖、耳坠)
fruit drops 水果硬糖
She had a pair of diamond drops in her ears. 她耳朵上戴着一对钻石耳坠。
5. 下落;下降
the slow drop of tears 泪珠的慢慢淌下
a drop in weight 重量的减少
a drop in temperature 降温
a big drop in the value of the U.S. dollar 美元大贬值
His reputation took a sudden drop. 他的名声骤然下降。
6. 下落(或下降)距离;落差;弹道降落距离;电压降
a drop of 100 feet 100英尺的落差
There was a drop of five stories from our window to the street below. 从我们的窗子到下面的街道有五层楼的垂直间距。
7. 下落物(如落锤、落果);下垂物(如舞台的垂幕、吊幕、锁孔活盖)
a peach drop 树上落下的桃子
8. (舞台等的)活板门;(绞刑架的)下落板;绞刑架
9. 陡坡
10. (邮筒的)投信孔;投入口;(接投入物的)承接器;邮筒,邮政信箱
11. 空投,空投人员;空投物资
a paratroop drop 伞兵空投
12. (赃物等的)藏匿处;(情报的)秘密传递点
a ransom drop 赎金的秘密交钱处
The drop near the river hasn't been used in years. 近河边的那个情报传递点已经多年不用了。
13. 贿赂
14. (动物的)产仔(量)
the entire drop of lambs for the year 全年的产羔量
15. 下坠球
16. = dropkick
17. (植物的)枯萎病
18. (主横帆的)帆高
19. [the drop] (球队的)降级
20. [the drop] 绞刑处死
21. 美俚无家可归的穷小子
22. 美俚(出租汽车计程表的)开动基数

II (droppeddropt;drop·ping)

1. 滴,滴下;滴水
Sweat dropped from his brow. 汗水从他额头滴下。
2. 落下,掉下;下垂
An apple dropped from the tree. 一只苹果从树上掉下。
His face dropped. 他的脸沉下来。
His mouth dropped (open) in amazement. 他惊奇得张口结舌。
3. (受伤)倒下;倒毙;累倒;(犬等看见猎物时)蹲伏
The man dropped with fatigue. 那人累倒了。
They worked until they dropped. 他们一直干到累垮为止。
4. 下降;降低;减少;变弱
The river dropped some 85 feet. 河的水位下降了约85英尺。
The production of sugar dropped. 食糖生产下降。
His voice dropped to a whisper. 他的讲话声压低而变成耳语。
The wind has dropped. 风势已减弱。
5. 消失;退出,离开
drop from a group 退出小组
drop from sight 消失
6. (话等)无意中漏出
The remark dropped from him. 那句话从他口中漏出来。
7. 呆滞,停滞;停止,结束
The stock market dropped today. 股市今日疲软。
The correspondence dropped. 通信中断。
The use of this drug has dropped. 这种药物已经停止使用。
Let the matter drop. 此事暂时丢开不谈。
8. 偶然(或顺便)来到
9. 随波(或风)漂;顺山坡流下;慢慢行进
The raft dropped downstream. 木筏顺流漂下。
She walked away and he dropped alongside. 她走开了,他跟了上去。
10. 不知不觉地陷入特定状态
drop asleep 不觉睡着
11. (动物)被产下;产仔
12. 落后
drop to the rear 落后
13. 美俚(罪犯等)被捕,落网
14. (可能的赢张)被硬打吊出(指在对方硬吊的情况下可能的赢张被迫打出被捉)
All the trumps dropped. 全部王牌都被活活吊出。
15. (球)进穴;进篮
1. 滴;使滴下
The wet leaves dropped water. 湿淋淋的树叶滴着水。
She dropped some lemon juice into her tea. 她在茶里滴了几滴柠檬汁。
The storm dropped 11 inches of rain. 这场暴雨的雨量达11英寸。
2. 使落下,使掉下;放下;(飞机准备着陆时)放下(起落架);投下;垂下(眼睛);弯身行(屈膝礼)
He dropped his cup and it broke. 他一失手,杯子掉下碎了。
The ship dropped her anchor. 那条船下了锚。
I dropped my knife and fork and hurried to answer the telephone. 我放下刀叉赶紧去接电话。
The enemy were still dropping shells into the town. 敌人还在炮轰该城。
She dropped her glance to hide her tears. 她两眼垂视以掩饰泪水。
3. 使倒下;砍倒;击落;使倒毙,杀死
drop a bird 击落一只鸟
drop one's opponent 击倒对手
He dropped his enemy at the first shot. 他第一枪就把敌人撂倒了。
4. 使下降;使降低;使减少;使变弱
drop the speed 减低速度
Please drop your voice. 请把声音放低些。
The cold winter dropped temperatures to -11℃. 寒冷的冬天使气温降到了零下11摄氏度。
5. (往下)放长
drop the hem of a skirt 放长裙边
6. 主美口使退出;开除;把…除名;退修(课程等)
He was dropped from college. 他被大学开除。
The minister was dropped for last year's harvest failure. 那位部长因去年歉收而被解职。
He has been dropped from the football team. 他已被足球队除名。
7. 删去,省略;遗漏
Drop the “e” in “make” before adding “ing”. 在 make 后面加上 ing 之前去掉 e。
The relative pronoun is often dropped if it is the object. 关系代词作宾语时常省略。
He dropped a whole line in copying. 抄写时他漏了整整一行。
8. 使停止,使终止;同…断绝关系;放弃
drop a bad habit 戒除坏习惯
drop formalities 免去俗套
drop a suit 撤回诉讼
drop one's responsibility to sb. 把责任推给某人
Let's drop the matter. 此事我们别再提了。
Please drop calling me Billy in public. 请不要再当众叫我比利了。
He dropped politics for a new career as writer. 他弃政从文,开始新的生涯。
She dropped her boyfriend. 她把男朋友甩了。
9. (信等);写(信等)
Drop me a line. 给我写封短信。
10. 无意中讲出,随口漏出
drop a suggestion 随口提出一条建议
drop a hint 露口风
The name, “supertanker”, has been dropped by tankermen. “超级油轮”这个名称是油轮船员们随口叫出来的。
They'd drop the name of the President as if they ate and drank with him. 他们常把总统的名字挂在嘴边,就好像他们和总统在一起吃吃喝喝过从甚密似的。
11. (客、货);空投(人、物资)
David dropped her home. 戴维驾车送她回家。
I'll drop your bags at the hotel. 我将把你的行李卸在旅馆里。
Supplies were dropped by parachute. 供给物资用降落伞空投。
Paratroops were dropped from helicopters. 直升机空投伞兵。
12. (动物)(仔)
drop a foal 产驹
13. 输掉
He dropped $50 in a poker game. 他打扑克输了50美元。
He dropped a game. 他输了一盘。
14. 花费
drop $20 for lunch 花20美元吃午饭
15. 水煮(荷包蛋)
16. 硬打吊出(较大的牌)
17. (抛球落地反弹球);踢抛球落地反弹球得(分);击(球)入穴;投(球)入篮
18. 从线(或面)外一点画(线)
drop a perpendicular to the line 从线外一点向直线作垂线
19. (他船)抛在后面;驶得见不到(他船)
20. 吸食(麻醉品等)
He dropped acid at 15. 他15岁就服迷幻药了。
21. 英口(唱片播放师)选择播放(唱片)
22. 洒落于;点缀
[< OE dropa drop; 与 Goth driusan to fall 有关]
phr. a drop in the bucket (或 ocean) 沧海一粟
Every drop in the bucket helps. 一点一滴皆有裨益。
They were only a drop in the ocean of refugees. 他们仅仅是大批难民中的少数。
at the drop of 一听到(或看到)(就…)
She quavered at the drop of his name. 她一听到他名字就发抖。
He is ready to defend fair language at the drop of a solecism. 他一碰到语法错误就要站出来维护语言纯洁。
at the drop of a hat 1. 一有信号(或激惹等)(就…)
The dog responds at the drop of a hat. 那条狗一见到信号就作出反应。
2. 立即;毫不迟疑地;乐意地
He is willing to cancel the order at the drop of any hat. 他愿意随时取消定货。
She loves playing the piano and will give you a tune at the drop of a hat. 她爱弹琴,并乐意随时为您奏一曲。
drop a brick (或 clanger) 主英口说话闯祸;做事出岔子
I knew I had dropped a brick in making that remark. 我知道那句话一出口我便闯下了祸。
The queen's husband has a somewhat caustic tongue, and every now and then he would drop a political brick. 女王的丈夫说话有点刻薄,不时在政治问题上失言。
drop across 1. 偶然遇到(或发现)
He dropped across an old friend in the street yesterday. 他昨天在街上遇见一位老朋友。
I dropped across this photograph in the drawer. 我在抽屉里无意中翻到了这张照片。
2. 训斥;惩罚
drop across sb. for sth. 因某事训斥(或惩罚)某人
drop a (或 the) dime on 见 dime
drop around 随便访问,串门
They asked him to drop around. 他们请他去串门。
drop astern 落后(指航行中被他船追越)
When the engine failed, we had to drop astern. 发动机出了故障,我们的船只好落在后面。
drop away 1. 点点滴滴地消失
2. 突然低下,变陡峭
The cliff dropped away at his feet. 他脚下的悬崖一下子变得陡峭起来。
3. 逐渐减少(或变弱)(质量)逐渐下降
The attendance has dropped away in recent months. 近几个月来出席人数逐渐减少。
Her interest dropped away. 她的兴趣逐渐减退。
The quality of performance has dropped away since last year. 从去年起演出质量下降了。
4. 逐渐离去
Old friends, once close, dropped away. 以前曾经非常亲密的老朋友一个一个地离去。
drop back 1. (使)落回;(使)返回
The ball landed on the roof and then dropped back to the ground. 那球落在屋顶上,接着又掉回地面。
He dropped the egg carefully back to the nest. 他把蛋小心地放回窝里。
2. 用车送回
Father dropped me back at the dormitory last night. 昨晚父亲用车把我送回宿舍。
3. 落后;后退;下降
The horse dropped back halfway through the race. 那匹马跑了一半赛程便落后了。
Production has dropped back in the last few months. 近几个月来生产下降了。
This book has dropped back to the third place in the bestsellers' list. 在畅销书目中这本书跌到了第三位。
4. 踢抛球落地反弹球
drop behind 1. 落在…的后面
The photograph has dropped behind the piano. 照片已掉落在钢琴的后面。
2. 落后(于);下降;退步
The horse dropped behind halfway through the race. 那匹马跑了一半赛程时落后了。
Two of the marchers dropped behind the others. 队伍中有两人掉队了。
The sale has dropped behind in the last few months. 近几个月来销售额下降。
The work of this class has been dropping behind recently. 这个班级的功课近来一直在退步。
3. 拖延,推迟
His payments of rent often drop behind. (或:He often drops behind with his rent.) 他常常拖欠房租。
drop below 减少(或下降)到少(或低、差)
The class has dropped below ten students this year. 今年这个班级的学生人数已减少到不满10名。
Your work has dropped below its usual high standard. 你的工作已低于通常的高水准。
drop by 顺便(或偶然)访问
I'm glad to have you drop by. 你来串门,我很高兴。
I've got to drop by the bank to get some money. 我得顺便到银行去取点钱。
drop by drop 点点滴滴地,一点一滴地
drop dead 见 dead
drop down 1. (使)掉下,(使)落下
I heard a noise from the well and saw that the cat had dropped down. 我听到井里一声响,看见猫已经掉下去了。
They dropped down a rope to see if it was safe. 他们放一根绳子下去看看是不是安全。
2. 迅速低下身子;倒下
drop down on one's knees 跪下
drop down dead 倒毙
3. 顺便访问
Let's drop down to his home to tell him when we are going. 我们顺便到他家去一下,告诉他我们什么时候走。
4. 随波(或顺风)漂下
drop in 1. (使)落进;(使)坍落
You can drop it in through the hole. 你可以把它从洞里塞进去。
The roof dropped in on us. 屋顶坍落在我们身上。
2. 顺便(或偶然)访问;逐渐进入
drop in for a chat 串门聊天
The manager dropped in unannounced at the office several times a week. 经理每星期都不经事先通知到办公室来几次。
He travelled from one village to another, dropping in on families and listened to their problems. 他从一个村子来到另一个村子,串门走户,听他们诉苦。
3. 参加,加入
Many young people are dropping in to the drug treatment centre. 许多青年人正进戒毒中心治疗。
4. 放下(吊幕)
drop into 1. (疲倦地)往…一倒
drop into a chair 倒在椅子里
I don't feel too well. I think I'll drop into bed for an hour. 我感到有点不舒服,想到床上去躺一小时。
2. 顺便进入;顺便访问
A few passers-by dropped into the station. 几个过路人顺便走进车站。
Let's drop into the pub for a drink. 我们到这家酒吧里去喝一杯吧。
3. (语言)
drop into a country form of speech 说起乡下话来
4. 不知不觉地进入(特定状态、情况等)
drop into sleep 不觉睡着
drop into a habit 渐渐养成一种习惯
She dropped into an ingratiating smile. 她下意识地露出讨好的笑容。
drop it 1. 丢开不谈
Let's drop it, shall we? 我们不谈这个,好吗?
2. 不干
I think the boy has been concerned in criminal activity, so I've asked him to drop it. 我看这孩子参与了犯罪活动,所以我叫他别干了。
Drop it! 停止!
drop off 1. 掉下,落下
My top button has dropped off. 我衣服最上面的那颗扣子掉了。
2. (让…)下车;从(交通工具)上下来;把…从车上卸下;把…放下
Drop me off at the gate. 让我在大门口下车。
I dropped off the train in Nanjing. 我在南京下的火车。
I'll drop my coat off at the cleaner's on my way to the office. 我在去办公室的途中将把外套交付洗衣店。
3. (逐个地)走开;消失
His friends dropped off one by one. 他的朋友们一个个地离去。
She dropped off into the shadows. 他消失在阴影中。
4. 睡着,入睡
She dropped off in front of the fire. 他在炉火前睡着了。
5. 下降;减少;衰落
The cliff drops off suddenly here, be careful. 悬崖在这里突然一落千丈,当心。
The quality has dropped off. 质量下降了。
Business began to drop off. 生意开始清淡。
drop on 1. 偶然发现
We dropped on it after searching for days. 我们找了几天,后来无意中把它找到了。
2. 选中
Why does he always drop on me for the worst jobs? 他为什么老是挑我去干最糟糕的差事?
The examiners can drop on any student to answer questions. 主考人可以挑任何一位学生来回答问题。
3. 选中…作为惩罚(或责备)的对象
Why drop on me? It's not my fault. 干吗批评我? 那不是我的过错。
4. 突然访问;使感到突然
Let's drop on Jim and give him a pleasant surprise. 我们去杰姆家当不速之客吧,给他来个惊喜。
I was dropped on when they asked me to propose the toast. 他们突然提出要我祝酒,我给弄了个措手不及。
drop one's guard 见 guard
drop one's trousers 见 trousers
drop out 1. 掉出,落出
As she picked up the envelope, a key dropped out. 她捡起信封时,一把钥匙掉了出来。
2. 退出;退学
drop out of activity 退出活动
One of the runners has dropped out in the middle of the race. 一名运动员中途退出赛跑。
These forms are now dropping out of use. 这些形式现正渐被废弃。
He tends to drop out of sight for days at a stretch. 常常一连几天都看不见他的人影。
He dropped out of school to become a waiter. 他退学去当招待员。
She attended Smith College for one year and then dropped out. 她在史密斯学院读了一年后就退学了。
3. (因对世俗社会的准则和道德标准失望而)逃避现实;隐退
The hippies dropped out completely. 嬉皮士们完全逃避社会现实。
The family dropped out into the country. 那一家人隐居到乡下去了。
4. (数学题等)不证自明
drop over 顺便访问
Drop over next week. 下星期有便到我家坐坐。
drop round = drop around
drop the ball¹见ball
drop through 1. 穿过…落下
2. 落空;半途而废
The plan dropped through when it proved too costly. 这项计划终因费用过高而中辍。
drop to 1. 掉到,落到;下降到
An apple dropped to the ground right at my feet. 一只苹果落到地上,正好在我脚边。
The temperature dropped to zero. 温度降至零度。
2. 屈身至
He dropped to his knees on the ground. 他跪倒在地。
3. 开始意识到,明白
drop up 美口不期来到,顺便来到
She said she would drop up to tea one afternoon. 她说她哪一天下午会来吃茶点。
fit (或 ready) to drop 累得快要趴下的
get (或 have) the drop on sb.
1. (抢先)拔枪瞄准某人;先发制某人
2. 胜过某人
You've got the drop on me. 你高我一着。
have a drop in one's eye 醉,有醉意
have had a drop too much 多喝了一点,因过量而醉
in drops= drop by drop
take one's drops1. (或服)滴剂
2. 私下喝酒;狂饮




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