释义 |
driv·el /ˈdrɪvəl/ vi. | vt. | n. I (-el(l)ed;-el·(l)ing) ❶ vi. 1. 〈古〉淌口水;流鼻涕 2. 说傻话,讲幼稚的无聊话 The politicians always drivel on about promises that they can't possibly fulfil. 政客们老是喋喋不休地作些不大可能实现的允诺。 3. 〈古〉(似口水般)流淌 ❷ vt. 1. 愚蠢地说,幼稚无聊地说 drivel absurdities 愚蠢地说些荒唐话 2. 愚蠢地浪费(时间、精力、资源等)
II n. 1. 〈古〉(口中流出的)涎沫,口水;流涕 2. 蠢话,幼稚无聊的话 He talks a lot of idiot drivel! 他总是讲一大堆傻话! [< OE dreflian to slaver] |