释义 |
drink /drɪŋk/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr. I (过去式 drank /dræŋk/ 或〈古〉drunk /drʌŋk/,过去分词 drunk 或〈口〉drank 或〈古〉drunk·en /ˈdrʌŋkən/) ❶ vt. 1. 喝,饮 drink the milk hot 趁热喝牛奶 drink a glass 喝一杯 2. 吸入,吸收 drink air into one's lungs 把空气吸入肺内 This plant drinks a lot of water. 这植物吸收大量水分。 3. 为…祝酒;参加(祝酒);提议(祝酒) drink sb.'s health (good luck) 为某人的健康(好运)干杯 drink a toast 祝酒 4. 使(自己)喝酒喝得;因喝酒而耗尽 drink oneself sick (bloated) 喝酒喝得病倒(醉醺醺) He drank himself into debt. 他喝酒喝得负了债。 drink one's pension to the last penny 把养老金喝得分文不剩 ❷ vi. 1. 喝,饮 The baby elephants were drinking from their mothers. 几头小象正在吮母象的奶。 2. 喝酒;酗酒 He doesn't smoke or drink. 他不抽烟也不喝酒。 drink hard (或 heavily) 酗酒 3. 祝酒,干杯 4. (酒)喝起来有特定风味 This wine is drinking beautifully. 这酒味道真不错。
II n. 1. 饮料;酒;饮料(或酒、水等)的一杯(或一份) Can I have a drink? 给我来杯饮料好吗? indulge in drink and tobacco 沉湎于烟酒 It was the drink in him talking. 那是他酒后之言。 She took a larger than usual drink of wine. 她比平时多喝了一点酒。 He has had a few drinks too many. 他已经多喝了几杯。 The plant needs a drink. 这株植物需要浇点水了。 2. 喝酒;酗酒 drive sb. to the drinks for consolation 逼得某人借酒自慰 The documents were signed over a friendly drink. 这些文件是在友好小酌时签署的。 Drink was his downfall. 他的潦倒是因为纵酒。 3. [常作 the drink] 〈口〉一片水(指海、湖、池等水体) fall in the drink 掉入水中 4. 〈英俚〉贿赂;赏金 [< OE drincan < OHG trinkan] phr. drink and drive 酒后驾车 drink away 1. 不停地喝 They drank away as usual. 他们跟平时一样喝个没完。2. 以喝酒打发;因喝酒而耗费;借酒消除 drink a whole night away 以喝酒消磨掉一整夜 drink one's wages away 把工资都买酒喝光 drink one's troubles away 喝酒解闷 drink deep(ly) (of) 1. 大量地喝,痛饮 drink deep(ly) of the spring water 大口大口地喝泉水 He drinks deep night after night. 他夜复一夜地纵酒。2. 大量汲取,大量吸收 drink deep of the wisdom of experienced people 大量吸收有经验人士的智慧 drink deep of the life of happiness 尽享生活的欢乐 drink down 1. = drink off 2. 借酒消除 drink down sorrow 借酒浇愁 3. 比酒量使(对方)醉倒 drink in 1. 吸入,吸收 drink in deep breaths 深深地吸气 He buried his face in the flowers, drinking in the fragrance. 他把脸埋入花里,吸入芳香。 The thirsty plants drank in the welcome rain. 干渴的植物吸收喜人的及时雨。 2. 全神贯注地倾听 drink in every word of sb.'s lecture 全神贯注倾听某人演讲的字字句句 3. 被强烈地吸引住,陶醉于 drink in the beautiful view 被美丽的景色迷住 drink in the memories recalled by the scene 沉醉于触景生情的回忆中 drink off 把…一饮而尽 He drank off the flagon of wine amid their cheers. 在他们的欢呼声中,他把酒壶里的酒一饮而尽。 drink to 向…祝酒,为…干杯 drink to (the happiness of) the bride and groom 为新郎新娘(的幸福)祝酒 I drink to the future; may it bring us all happiness. 我为未来干杯,愿我们大家都幸福。 drink up (把…)喝完 Drink (your beer) up, then I'll refill your glass. (把你的啤酒)喝完,我再给你斟满。 He drank the medicine up bit by bit. 他一小口一小口地把药喝完了。 have the drinks on sb. 〈俚〉占着某人的上风 I'll drink to that. 我同意。 in drink 醉了(的) It is impossible for him to keep a secret when he is in drink. 要他在喝醉时守住秘密是不可能的。 One must drink as one brews. 自己酿的酒自己喝。(或:自食其果。) on the drink 嗜酒的 |