

单词 dress
释义 dress /dres/ n. | a. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. 连衣裙;套裙
a cotton house dress 妇女家常穿的布连衣裙
2. (外穿的)衣服;(适于特定场合穿的)服装;礼服
casual dress 便服
Oriental dress 东方服装
He is conservative in his dress. 他穿着守旧。
Few people wore evening dress. 几乎没人穿晚礼服。
3. 装饰;外盖物(如鸟的羽毛);外观;表现形式;外衣
streets and shops in holiday dress 披上节日盛装的街道和商店
birds in their winter dress 换上冬羽的鸟
A French book appearing in English dress 一本英国装帧的法国书
4. 纠正,矫正

II a.
1. 连衣裙的;用以做连衣裙的;服装的
dress material 妇孺衣料
a dress style 服装式样
a dress shop 服装店
2. 适于正式场合的;礼服的;须穿礼服的
dress clothes 正式场合穿的服装
a dress sword 穿礼服时佩的剑
a dress dinner (occasion) (须穿礼服的)正式宴会(场合)
a dress review (着军礼服的)正式检阅
3. 半正式场合穿戴的,办公时穿戴的

III (dresseddrest /drest/)

1. 给…穿衣(或礼服);替…打扮
Don't come in—I'm not dressed! 别进来——我没穿好衣服!
dress a baby 给婴儿穿衣
be dressed in black (in old clothes) 穿黑色衣服(旧衣服)
The children were Sunday-dressed. 孩子们穿着星期天穿的漂亮衣服。
They wanted to dress themselves in clothes of virtue. 他们想把自己打扮得道貌岸然。
2. 为…提供衣服;为…设计衣服
She dresses her family on a small budget. 她给一家人做衣服的开支很少。
The famous tailor dresses a number of society women in the city. 这位有名的裁缝给城里好些上流社会的妇女设计服装。
3. 布置,装饰
dress store windows 布置商店橱窗
dress a Christmas tree 装饰圣诞树
4. 加工;处理;整治;给(禽、畜等)放血去毛去头和内脏
dress timber 修整木材
dress leather 鞣皮
dress a gem 修琢宝石
dress fields 整治土地(尤指施肥)
dress plants 为植物施肥
dress a tree 修剪树木
dress textiles 对织物上浆整理
dress a race track 平整跑道
dress a chicken 把鸡去毛开膛(待烹)
5. (加作料)制作;在…中加作料
Please dress me a fruit salad. 请给我做一份水果色拉。
The vegetable was dressed sparingly with butter, salt, and pepper. 蔬菜里面黄油、 盐和胡椒加得很少。
6. 梳理;做(头发)
She has her hair dressed each week. 她每星期去做一次头发。
7. 梳刷(马等)
8. (伤口等)敷药,包扎
dress a sore 给疮敷药
dress sb.'s wound (或 dress the wound for sb.) 给某人包扎伤口
9. 使排列整齐,整(队)
dress troops (equipment) 把部队(装备)排齐
Officer, dress those men to the right. 军官,命令那些士兵向右看齐。
The officer stopped his column to dress its ranks. 军官命令纵队停下来整队。
10. (钓鱼时)装好(钓钩)
11. (为取得令人愉快的舞台效果)布置,调度(演员、道具、布景)(通过发放赠券或降低票价等)使(剧场)满座,提高(演出)的上座率
12. 训斥
1. 穿衣;更衣;穿礼服;打扮
dress always in dark brown 常穿深棕色衣服
She dresses well on very little money. 她花钱很少而穿得很体面。
He said he would go to the party if he didn't have to dress. 他说要是不用穿礼服他就去参加宴会。
Some people don't know how to dress. 有些人不知道怎么穿着打扮。
2. 排列整齐;看齐
Soldiers, dress right! 士兵们,向右看齐!
3. (禽、畜等去毛开膛后)称得净重
[< OFr dresser to arrange < L dīrēctus straight <dīrigere to direct, straighten, guide]
phr. be dressed to kill 见 kill
be dressed up and nowhere to go 打扮得花枝招展却无处可去
dress down 1. 整理,整饰(皮革);梳刷(马)
Help me to dress the horses down so that they will look nice. 帮我把这几匹马梳刷一下,这样它们会显得好看些。
2. (狠狠地)训斥;痛打
The manager dressed him down for being late again. 因为他又迟到,经理把他狠狠训了一顿。
He was dressed down till he was black and blue. 他给打得遍体鳞伤。
3. (为特定场合所需且与平时相对而言)穿着随便
She dressed down to visit her poor relatives. 她去拜访穷亲戚时穿着很随便。
dress for (特定场合或活动)穿上适当的衣服;为(特定场合)穿上礼服
How should we dress for the party? 我们去参加酒会该穿什么?
Tell the guests not to dress for dinner. 告诉客人们不必穿礼服赴宴。
dress out 1. 布置,装饰
The street was dressed out in flags when the victory was won. 胜利之时街上悬旗志庆。
2. (使)穿戴得惹人注目,(使)打扮得花哨
She was dressed out like a princess. 她打扮得像公主一样引人注目。
3. (屠宰后)(禽、 畜等)放血去毛去头和内脏;(禽、 畜等去毛开膛后)称得净重
The steer dressed out over five hundred pounds. 这头阉牛去毛开膛后净重500多磅。
dress ship 见 ship
dress up 1. (使)穿上盛装;精心打扮;穿上礼服
He hated being dressed up. 他不喜欢穿得一本正经的。
Are we going to dress up for the party, or is it informal? 我们是穿礼服去参加宴会呢,还是不妨随便一些?
2. (把他人的衣服)穿着玩;装扮
Children often enjoy dressing up in their parents' clothes. 孩子们常常喜欢把父母的衣服穿着玩。
She dressed up in Elizabethan costume for the fancy-dress ball. 她穿着伊丽莎白时代的服装去参加化装舞会。
He intended to dress up as a ghost. 他想穿戴起来装扮成鬼。
3. 装饰
A fresh coat of paint will dress up the old bicycle very much. 旧自行车涂上一层新漆就会显得漂亮多了。
We shall dress the room up for Christmas. 我们要把这房间布置一下过圣诞节。
4. 添枝加叶地讲述,修饰
dress up a story in amusing details 用逗趣的细节添枝加叶地讲一个故事
It's perfectly simple and understandable. You needn't dress it up with all this nonsense. 事情非常简单易懂,你不必用这些废话去修饰它。
5. (军队)排齐




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