

单词 draw
释义 draw /drɔː/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr.
I (drew /druː/, drawn /drɔːn/)

1. 拉;拖;拉动;拖动;拉起(吊桥等);扯起(帆等);拉开(窗帘等);放下(遮帘等);收进(拖网等);拉(小提琴的弓等);张(弓);张弓待射(箭)
A horse draws the cart. 马拉车。
I drew a chair to the table. 我把椅子拉到桌旁。
He drew his belt tighter. 他把皮带束得紧些。
He drew the bedcovers over her. 他扯过床罩把她盖住。
He drew the blinds and lit the lamps. 他放下窗帘,点上灯。
2. 引导,带;引使;使说出情况;使行动,使作出反应;使发火;使展示才能
draw sb. aside for a private talk 把某人带到一旁说悄悄话
draw sb. to the conference table 领某人到会议桌旁
draw sb. into a conversation (a dispute) 引某人参与谈话(争论)
draw various prominent people into the association 把各方面的知名人士拉入协会
draw sb. away from his work 使某人抛开工作
He tried to draw her thoughts from her troubles. 他想把她的思想从烦恼中引开。
His stare drew her head around. 他的逼视使她转过脸去。
Kindness and understanding will often draw a boy to unburden his conscience. 仁爱和理解常常会使得男孩吐露真情,以解除良心的负担。
refuse to be drawn on the substance of one's talks with sb. 拒绝透露与某人会谈的实质
Her insolence drew him to say things he knew he would regret. 她的傲慢无礼使他说了自知以后会后悔的话。
The final taunt drew him. 最后那句辱骂的话激怒了他。
3. 拔出;抽出;取出;使流出;(用吸、排、蒸馏、渗出等方法)去除(液体等)
draw a nail (a cork) 拔出钉子(软木塞)
draw a tooth 拔牙
draw a sword (a knife, a pistol) 拔剑(刀,手枪)
He drew a sheaf of hundred-mark notes from his pocket. 他从口袋里掏出一捆100马克票面的钞票。
The blow drew blood. 那一击打出了血。
This will help draw the poison. 这将有助排毒。
4. 提取;汲取;取得;领取;接受;抽(血)
draw water from a well 从井中打水
draw money from one's account 提取存款
He drew me a glass of ale. 他为我汲了一杯啤酒。
He drew a warm bath and lounged in it. 他放了一浴盆温水后懒洋洋地躺在里面。
draw inspiration (pleasure) from 从…中获得灵感(快乐)
draw out of Morton anecdotes of the Churchill years 从莫顿那儿得到丘吉尔年代的轶事
Their cause is drawing some support abroad. 他们的事业正得到国外的一些支持。
Tom Sawyer is drawn from life. 汤姆·索耶(这个人物)取自生活。
draw military retirement pay 领取退役金
Many draw their living from the sea. 许多人靠海谋生。
When he drew the Pacific assignment, he was kidded. 他接受任务去太平洋工作是上了当。
5. 推断出;作出;形成
draw lessons from the past 从过去得出教训
It's my duty to tell you everything and let you draw your own conclusions. 我的责任是把一切都告诉你,让你自己作出结论。
draw comparisons 作出比较
draw distinctions 分清
6. 引出;引起,激起;产生(利息)
His oratory drew tears from his audience. 他的演讲引得听众流下了眼泪。
draw a laugh (cheers, a round of applause) from the crowd 引起人群的大笑(欢呼,一阵掌声)
draw fire at a Senate hearing 在参院听证会上引起猛烈的批评
draw protests (objections) from 引起…的抗议(反对)
His challenge drew no reply. 他的挑战没有引起应战。
draw praise (blame) on oneself 赢得赞扬(受到责备)
draw criticism (ruin) upon 使…受到批评(遭到毁灭)
draw great consequences 造成重大的后果
If he keeps on chasing married women he's likely to draw a punch in jaw. 要是他继续追求有夫之妇,很可能吃拳头。
That crime drew him an eight-year sentence. 那一罪行使他被判刑8年。
At 18, he drew a year in jail for car theft. 他18岁时因偷汽车坐了1年牢。
He drew a life term on murder charges. 他因谋杀罪被判无期徒刑。
Let your extra money stay in the bank and draw interest. 让你那些余钱留在银行里生息吧。
7. 使聚集;抽取;随意拿到,碰巧得到;抽签决定;抽彩得(奖)
a college that draws its students from many states 从许多州招收学生的一所学院
distinguished scientists drawn from the universities 从各所大学调来的杰出科学家
draw five cards from the pack 从一副纸牌中随意抽取五张
He drew a winning number. 他抽了个中奖号码。
draw the winner 抽签决定获胜者
The jury panel was drawn. 陪审员名单通过抽签决定了。
8. 吸引;招引
The accident drew a great crowd. 事故吸引了一大群人。
He draws an age-varied audience. 他吸引一批不同年龄的听众。
Display draws customers. 橱窗陈列吸引顾客。
Her shouts drew the attention of the police. 她的叫喊引起了警察的注意。
His gaze was drawn to the plaque. 他的目光被那块匾吸引住了。
I felt drawn to him. 我对他有好感。
Are you intensely drawn to music? 你热爱音乐吗?
Honey draws flies. 蜂蜜招蝇。
Please turn off the light. It's drawing bugs. 请把灯关上,它招虫子。
9. 吸入;出(声)
draw a deep breath 深深地吸一口气
He drew a sigh of relief. 他宽慰地舒了一口气。
10. (船)(水)
My boat draws 6 feet of water. 我的船吃水6英尺。
11. (用铅笔、钢笔、粉笔或炭笔等)画;描绘;描写;刻划
draw a circle (a line, a map) 画一个圆(一条线,一幅地图)
draw one's daughter 画女儿的像
a writer who draws his characters well 善于刻划人物的作家
12. 划清(界限等)
13. (支票等);按照正确的形式写出;草拟;制订
He drew a check on his New York bank. 他开了一张自己在纽约一家银行的支票。
draw a will 立遗嘱
14. 挖出…的内脏;使空,使耗竭;泡开(茶);疏干(池、湖等);从(火)中取走煤块
pluck and draw a goose before cooking 煮前将鹅拔毛开膛
That final climb seemed to draw his strength away. 那最后一段的攀登似乎把他的气力都耗尽了。
Some people draw their tea too long. 有些人把茶泡得太久。
The polluted pond was drawn and refilled. 受污染的池塘被疏干填平。
15. (猎物)逼出隐蔽处;在(树林等)中搜寻猎物;在…拖网捕鱼
16. 使(牌)被打出,吊(牌)
She led the king to draw her opponent's ace. 她先出了张K,以迫使她的对手出A。
He won with the queen and then drew three rounds of spades. 他以Q赢了一墩,然后连吊三轮黑桃。
17. 促使(伤口)化脓;排出(脓、血等)
18. 使(比赛)成平局;以平局结束(比赛)
They drew the game 5 points to 5 (或 5 all). 他们以5比5(或5平)结束比赛。
19. 拉紧,绷紧
The strands of rubber were drawn to test their strength. 橡皮条被拉紧以试验强度。
They drew the skin across the top of the drum and fastened it down. 他们把皮绷在鼓面上钉住。
20. 拉制,拉拔;轧制,压延;拉伸
draw wire 拉丝
21. 把…拉长
long drawn agony 没完没了的痛苦
His speech was drawn too long. 他的讲话拖得太长了。
22. 使缩拢,使皱起
He drew his brows together in an effort of concentration. 他皱起眉头,尽力集中思想。
23. (钢)回火
24. (在高尔夫球、台球、保龄球、板球、冰壶游戏等中)使(球)朝特定方向旋转(或移动)
1. (缓慢、持续地)移动;行进;来临
The train drew slowly into a crowded platform. 火车徐徐驶进挤满了人的站台。
The ship was drawing closer and closer to the island. 轮船正慢慢靠近岛屿。
The car drew ahead of the others. 那辆汽车渐渐超过其他汽车。
We drew toward the town. 我们向镇子进发。
The summer drew to an end. 夏日将尽。
Night draws near. 黑夜快降临了。
The two political parties are drawing apart. 那两个政党开始分道扬镳。
2. 拔出手枪(或剑等);张弓
He drew, aimed and fired. 他拔出枪,瞄准,然后射击。
3. 拉;被拉;使血(或脓)集中在一点,促化脓;排去,流去
4. 汲取;支取存款;获得资料(或情报、供应等)
draw at the well 汲取井水
draw from a common fund of knowledge 从共同的知识宝库中汲取知识
5. 抽签;抽牌
draw for a prize 抽奖
Let's draw for who will be leader. 让咱们抽签决定谁当领头的。
6. (用钢笔、铅笔、粉笔、炭笔等)绘画;勾划;描绘
He was drawing on the window of the bus with his finger. 他用手指在公共汽车的窗上画着。
7. 缩拢,皱缩
Her eyebrows drew together in a frown. 她皱眉蹙额。
8. 变长,拉长;拉伸变形
9. (烟囱、烟道、烟斗等)通畅,通风
The chimney draws well. 烟囱很通畅。
The fire isn't drawing properly. 炉火通风差。
10. 吸引人,有吸引力
The play is drawing well. 那戏很卖座。
11. 打成平局,不分胜负
Chelsea drew with Arsenal one all. 切尔西队与阿森纳队踢成了1平。
Lee drew level at 20-20. 李把比分拉成了20平。
Our team drew three times this year. 我们队今年平了3场。
12. (船)吃水;(帆)吃饱风
Great hulks draw deep. 巨大笨重的船吃水深。
All sails were drawing. 所有的帆在风中鼓起。
13. (茶)被泡开,味道完全出来
Give the tea time to draw. 让茶泡开再喝。
14. (猎狗)经指点后慢慢向猎物靠近;凭臭迹追踪猎物

II n.
1. 拉;拖;提取;吸,抽烟;吃水;抽;拔;拔出手枪(或其它武器);拉拔;轧制;(钢的)回火;后旋球,削球
A draw on the short end of the rope will release the knot. 拉绳子的短头便可解开结。
He took a long draw on his cigarette before answering. 他深深地抽了一口烟才回答。
be quick on the draw 出手拔枪快(或喻指行动或反应很快)
2. 被拉的量;被拉动的东西;被拔出的东西
3. 吸引观众(或顾客、注意力等)的事物(或人);吸引力
The Science Museum is always a big draw with youngsters. 科学博物馆一直是十分吸引年轻人的地方。
Friday morning's native market is the big draw to Toluca. 星期五早上的当地集市吸引许许多多人去托卢卡。
He's a national treasure and our biggest tourist draw. 他是我们的国宝,又是最吸引游客的人。
the draw of television 电视的吸引力
actors with no box-office draw 不卖座的演员
A dogfight has a powerful draw for small boys. 狗打架对小男孩有很强的吸引力。
4. [常作 the draw] 有利条件,优势
have the draw on one's enemies 比敌人占优势
5. 平局,不分胜负的比赛
a goalless draw 双方都没有破门的平局
fight sb. to a draw 与某人打得不分胜负
The game ended in a draw. 比赛以平局结束。
Our team has had five wins and two draws this season. 我们队本赛季赢了5场,平了2场。
6. 抽签;抽彩;抽得的签;偶然机会;由抽签决定的事物;抽彩给的奖
He picked a winning number on the first draw. 他第一次抽奖就中了。
By (the) luck of the draw I have been seated between them. 由于碰巧的运气我坐在他俩之间。
7. 吊桥的开合部分
8. 洼地;小水道
I've been travelling this draw since dawn. 我从天亮开始就在这块洼地上行走了。
9. 弓的可张距离;张满弓所需的力
10. (暗扑克中的)抽补;抽补进的牌
11. = draw play
12. 预支佣金备额
13. 大麻
[<OE dragan<ON draga to draw, drag<? L trahere to pull, draw]
phr. beat to the draw
1. (对方)抢先拔出手枪
I beat him to the draw and shot him in the leg. 我比他先拔出手枪,击中了他的腿部。
2. (对方)抢先行动
Hitler wanted to beat Roosevelt to the draw with his declaration of war. 希特勒想赶在罗斯福的前面宣战。
The unexpected sale beat the competition to the draw by two days. 那场突如其来的大拍卖比竞争对手赶前了两天。
draw and quarter 1. (中世纪时的)四马分尸
2. (绞死后) 挖去内脏并切割成块
draw at (烟斗)吸烟
draw away 1. (迅速)移开
She drew away from him when he tried to kiss her. 他想吻她时,她赶紧躲闪。
2. (在赛跑等中)超过别人,领先
The faster car drew away. 开得较快的那辆车领先了。
draw back 向后移动,后退,后缩;缩回,收回,撤回
The crowd drew back to let the firemen through. 人群往后退,让消防队员通过。
He drew back his foot for a kick. 他缩回脚以便发力猛踢。
The firm drew back from (fulfilling) its agreement. 那家公司撤销协议。
draw down 1. 引起,招来
Don't risk drawing down his anger. 不要冒惹恼他的风险。
draw down blame on one's head 给自己招来责备
2. 花光,耗尽
draw down gold reserves 耗尽黄金储备
3. 挣得
draw down full pay 拿全薪
draw forth 招致;博得(赞赏等)
draw in 1. (诱)使…进入(或参加);诱骗
The smell of candy drew us in. 糖果的香味引诱我们走了进去。
He heard the argument but would not be drawn in. 他听到那争论,但不想介入。
2. 缩小,缩短;缩进;收缩
The gown has to be drawn in to fit her. 那件睡袍得改小些才合她的身。
She drew in her stomach. 她用力缩腹。
The henchmen drew in behind their respective leaders. 亲信们都龟缩到他们各自的头领后面。
3. (支);紧缩开支;变得更谨慎,收敛
If prices continue to rise, we shall have to draw in our spending even further. 如果物价继续上涨,我们将不得不进一步紧缩开支。
We've spent too much lately, we'll have to draw in for a while. 我们近来花钱太多,得紧缩一下开支。
4. (天)渐黑,接近黄昏
Day drew in and twilight deepened. 白昼将尽,暮色渐浓。
5. (白昼)渐短
It is October now, and the days are drawing in. 现在已是10月,白天越来越短了。
6. (火车)到站,进站;(汽车)到达
The train drew in. 火车徐徐进站。
7. (车辆)开到路边
The bus drew in to let the cars pass. 公共汽车开到路边,让几辆小车过去。
8. 吸入
9. 画…的草图,勾画出
10. 收小(袜头等)
draw it fine (区分时)十分精确
draw it mild 主英[常用于祈使句](要)夸张
draw it strong 夸大其词
draw nigh 接近
draw off1. 拉掉;脱去
Help me to draw off these muddy boots. 帮我脱掉这满是泥浆的靴子。
2. 使流走;排去
draw off water 排水
3. 撤走;离开
We have orders to draw off our forces. 我们接到命令撤走军队。
The enemies' losses forced them to draw off. 敌军的伤亡迫使他们撤离。
draw on 1. 拉上;穿上
draw on one's socks 拉上袜子
2. 引起,招致
Their folly drew on their disgrace. 蠢举使他们丢了脸。
3. 使继续向前;诱使;鼓励…说话
Her refusal only drew her lover on. 她的拒绝反而使她的情人追得更紧了。
They drew the poor child on with false promises. 他们用虚假的诺言诱使那可怜的孩子说话。
4. 吸,抽
draw on a cigarette 抽烟
draw on the pipe 抽烟斗
He was drawing contentedly on his pipeful of American tobacco. 他正心满意足地抽着满满一烟斗的美国烟丝。
5. 动用;利用;凭,借
The government had to draw on reserves and borrow abroad. 政府不得不动用储备并向国外借款。
His remarks drew heavily on his experiences in that country. 他在谈论时大量利用了他在那个国家的经历。
Other companies can draw on gas from wells. 其它公司可以利用井中的天然气。
6. 花费,消耗;耗尽
The noisy students drew on the teacher's patience. 那些吵吵嚷嚷的学生使教师失去耐心。
7. 拔出武器威胁
He drew on me, and I was forced to defend myself. 他拔出手枪对准我,我被迫自卫。
8. 临近,接近
Night drew on. 夜幕降临。
Winter is drawing on. 冬天快到了。
draw on toward destruction 走向灭亡
draw oneself up 站直;坐直;(表示轻蔑或愤怒)昂首挺直身体
He drew himself up to his full height. 他站得笔直。
She drew herself up indignantly. 她愤怒地昂首挺胸。
draw out 1. 拉出,拔出;抽出;取出;使出来,引出
draw out a tooth 拔出一颗牙
draw tears out 催泪
2. 提取(存款)
3. 引…畅谈(或回答)
a reporter's ability to draw a person out 一个记者引人开口的本领
4. (队伍)拉出营地(或营房);分遣,派遣;使排成阵势
5. 拉长;延长;(使)变长
draw out a rubber band 拉长橡皮条
Draw out the wire until it is very thin. 把金属丝拉成细丝。
This meeting has been drawn out long enough. 这个会已经拖得够长了。
The days are drawing out. 白昼在变长。
6. (火车等)离站,开出
The train drew out of the station. 火车徐徐出站。
7. 起草;拟就
draw out a plan 起草一份计划
8. 使充分发挥
The new responsibilities drew out his latent talents. 新任务使他潜在的才智充分发挥出来了。
9. 跑到别人前面并拉开距离。
draw together (使)团结起来;(使)一致
draw up 1. 拉起,吊起,提起
The cage was drawn up from the mine. 罐笼从矿中提升上来。
He sat with his knees drawn up. 他两膝耸起坐着。
2. 使靠近
chairs drawn up round a low table 拉到一张矮桌周围的椅子
3. 起草;制订;拟就,写出
draw up a memorandum 起草一份备忘录
draw up policies 制订政策
I haven't yet drawn up vacation plans. 我尚未订出假期计划。
a list drawn up in a strange handwriting 用奇怪的笔迹写出的一份名单
4. (使)排列,整队集结
The troops were drawn up in battle array. 部队排列成战斗队形。
5. 停住;使停住
A police car drew up outside their house. 一辆警车在他们房子外面停下。
The driver drew the horses up in time to avoid hitting the child. 赶车人及时把马勒住,没有撞着孩子。
This drew me up short.这使我蓦地停下。
draw upon 利用;凭,靠
draw up with (或 to) 赶上,追上




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