释义 |
dou·ble·talk /ˈdʌbltɔːk/ n. | vi. | vt. I n. 1. 似有意义(或意义晦涩)的空话 diplomatic doubletalk 空洞的外交辞令 2. (故意说得)夸张而含糊的话 A lot of what is said by politicians is just doubletalk. 政客们所说的许多话只是模棱两可的欺人之谈。
II ❶ vi. 讲空话;含糊其词 ❷ vt. 对…讲空话(或含糊其词);在…上使用空话(或含糊其词的话) He doubletalked his supporters into believing that his plan would benefit them. 他含糊其词地说得他的支持者们相信他的计划会使他们受益。 You can't doubletalk your way out of this difficulty. 你想靠说空话来摆脱这种困境是不行的。