释义 |
dou·ble /ˈdʌbl/ a. | ad. | n. | vt. | vi. | phr. I a. 1. 两倍的;加倍的 pay double fare 付两倍的车费 He'll be double his pay with this new job. 有了这份新工作,他的工资将加倍。 I'm double your age. 我的年龄比你大一倍。 It is double the distance. 这要远去一倍。 2. (在大小、数量、程度等方面)双的;双料的;特大的;特强的 “Add” is spelt a, doubled. “add”拼作 a、 两个d。 A double whisky, please. 请来一杯双份威士忌。 His share was double. 他的那份是双倍的。 a double issue 特大号期刊 3. 供两人用的;双人的 a double ticket to a dance 参加舞会的双人票 4. 成双的,成对的;重复的 an egg with a double yolk 双黄蛋 He gave a double knock on the door. 他在门上敲了两下。 5. 双层的;折叠的 a double thickness of paper 纸的双层厚度 Is this cloth just 18 centimetres wide or is it double? 这布只有18公分宽还是双幅的? 6. 弯腰的,俯身的 7. 双重的 a double purpose 双重目的 The date had a double significance. 那个日子有双重意义。 He was good at the double attention. 他善于一心二用。 8. 双关的;模棱两可的 a double interpretation 模棱两可的解释 9. 两面派的;表里不一的;虚伪的;欺诈的 play a double game 耍两面派花招 10. (花)重瓣的 Some roses are double, others are single. 有些玫瑰花是重瓣的,另外一些是单瓣的。 11. 【音】(发音比记谱)低八度的;双拍子的 12. (韵律)双重的 13. (硬币)双值的 14. (多米诺骨牌)两边点数相同的
II ad. 1. 两倍地 10 is double 5. 10是5的两倍。 pay double 加倍付款(或重复付款) I gave her double the usual quantity. 我给她的数量比通常多一倍。 With ten novels he has double proved his capacity for hard work. 他已写了10部小说,这更加可以证明他具有刻苦工作的能力。 2. 双重地;重叠地;双层地 The coat was folded double and laid on a chair. 外套对折着放在椅子上。 3. 双双地,成对地 We used to ride double on Nancy's horse. 以前我们常常两人同骑南希的马。 Mary and Jane can sleep double tonight. 玛丽和简今晚可以合睡一床。 4. 下弯地,弓着身子 Bent almost double, she persisted on her way. 她几乎是弓着身子,坚持走下去。
III n. 1. 两倍;两倍数(或量、大小等);两倍物 Four is the double of two. 4是2的两倍。 I paid only £2 for this old book and Mr Smith offered me double for it. 我买这本旧书只花了2英镑,而史密斯先生愿以两倍的价格向我买它。 I send this sample in double to both places. 这个样品我给两处都各寄两份。 2. 酷似的人;相似的对应物 He is my double. 他极像我。 Mr Bennett is almost a double for Mr William. 贝内特先生的外貌几乎同威廉先生一模一样。 This dress is the double of that. 这件女服和那件一样。 3. 预备演员,替角;(电影中的)特技替身演员;(一剧中的)兼角演员 Two doubles were employed for some small scenes. 雇用了两个替角拍一些小场面。 4. (迷信传说在人垂死时出现的)活人的魂灵 5. 折,折叠 He hit the horse with the double of his rope. 他用对折的缰绳抽打马。 6. 急转弯;折回;转向 He made a sudden double and passed us again. 他突折回又从我们身旁过去。 I ducked behind the foresail and made a double towards the stern. 我从前桅帆后伏下隐蔽,然后转向船尾。 7. 计谋;诡计;(辩论中等的)回避 8. 一杯双份的烈酒 I will have Scotch. Make it a double. 我喝苏格兰威士忌。来一杯双份的。 9. (宾馆的)双人房间 hotels that range in price upward from $60 for a double 双人房间为60美元以上价格不等的一些宾馆 10. 双重间谍 Apparently he's a double, does a little smuggling as cover. 很明显他是个双重间谍,干点走私作为掩护。 11. [doubles](网球等的)双打 men's (women's) doubles 男子(女子)双打 sb.'s doubles partner 某人的双打搭档 12. 【棒】二垒打 13. (桥牌等牌戏中的)叫加倍;能叫加倍的好牌 14. (赛马等中的)复式下注(即下注于不同场次的两匹马;第一场若有所赢即转押在第二场上) 15. (对同一队的)两次获胜;(在一场比赛中的)双料冠军;(板球击球手的)两次得100分;(地滚球中的)接连两次将木柱全部击倒 16. 【网】两次发球失误,双误 17. (投镖游戏中的)金色环的投中;金色环 18. 【印】重叠印(故障) 19. 〈罕〉变奏曲 20. 【军】跑步前进 21. = double star
IV ❶ vt. 1. 使加倍;把…增一倍;是…的两倍 He doubled his income in three years. 3年内他的收入增加一倍。 The new airport will double the capacity of the existing one. 新机场将是现有机场容量的两倍。 The insubstantiality of the charge doubles the suspicion. 指控的根据不足使猜疑倍增。 2. 把…对折,折叠 Double the blanket and put it over the child. 把毯子对折起来,盖在孩子身上。 I would ask you not to double the pages. 我请你不要折书页。 3. 握紧(拳头、手) a doubled fist 紧握的拳头 4. 重复;复制 a moon doubling itself in the creek 在溪中投下倒影的月亮 She doubled the rubber band about the bills. 她把橡皮筋在钞票上绕了两圈。 5. 回避 6. 绕着(岬角或岛屿)航行 We could not double the cape. 我们不能绕过岬角。 7. 使结成对 The players were doubled for tournament. 运动员们被分成对子参加比赛。 8. 替代…出演;担任(某角色)的替身;(一剧中)兼演(两角) He doubled the hero in a sword fight. 在斗剑这场戏中,他担任主角的替身。 Mary doubled the two parts of the maid and the mother. 玛丽兼演女仆和母亲两角。 The part of the old hunter was doubled by a well-known actor. 老猎人一角由一位著名演员兼演。 9. (乐师)兼奏(另一种乐器) 10. 使(旅客等)同宿一室 11. (桥牌等牌戏中)对(对方叫牌)的分数加倍;对(对方)的叫牌分数加倍 12. 【音】(在高或低八度上)重复 double the tenor in brass 用铜管乐器重复次中音部 13. 【棒】以二垒打得(分)(in); 以二垒打使进垒(或得分);以双杀使出局 14. 【台】使弹回 ❷ vi. 1. 增一倍;成为两倍 The population may double in a couple of generations. 几代以后人口可能增长一倍。 2. 代替;替代演出(for);作为替身扮演角色;兼演两角(as) The principal is doubling for the teacher today. 校长今天在为那位教师代课。 3. 兼任;兼作;兼演(as) The Prime Minister doubles as Minister of Finance. 总理兼任财政部长。 This sofa doubles as a bed. 这只沙发兼作床用。 4. 兼奏(on) The trumpeter doubles on cornet. 小号手兼吹短号。 5. 当双重间谍 The Norwegian was doubling against us for the Germans. 那个挪威人给德国人当双重间谍来对付我们。 6. 跑步 I doubled off through the smoke. 我跑步穿过浓烟。 7. 折回;(路等)曲折迂回 The thief doubled and ran towards the village. 窃贼突然折回,朝村子跑去。 8. 弯曲;弯着身子 Her legs doubled under her and she sank down upon the floor in a faint. 她两腿一弯, 昏倒在地。 The runner doubled in pain with a cramp. 赛跑运动员因抽筋而痛得蜷起身子。 9. = double-date 10. (桥牌中)叫加倍 11. 【棒】击出二垒打 12. 【台】弹回 13. 〈古〉行骗 [OFr<L duplus twofold<duo two+-plus-fold] phr. at (或 on) the double 1. 迅速地;尽快地;立即地 Give me ten more on the double! 赶快再给我10个! 2. 以跑步方式 Send a couple of guards in here. On the double. 派几名警卫来,要跑步来。double back 1. 把…对折,折叠 double back the pages as a bookmark 折书页代替夹书签 2. 循原路折回 The escaped prisoner doubled back on his tracks. 逃犯又循原路折回。His thinking doubled back on itself. 他的思路重又回复到原处。double or quits (或 nothing) 以已输的数额作为最后的赌注 (或者多输一倍,或者与赢家清账) double over 1. 折叠 2. (使)(因剧痛或大笑等而)弯着身子 He ran slower and slower until finally he had to walk doubled over. 他跑得越来越慢,最后只得弯着腰步行了。double up 1. 折叠 (纸、 页等); (纸、 页等)折起来 2. (使)(因剧痛或大笑等而)弯着身子 She doubled up in pain. 她痛得弯着身子。He received a blow in the stomach which doubled him up. 他的肚子上挨了一拳,使他痛得直不起腰。3. 使弯曲;握紧 (拳头等)He doubles up his left fist and starts towards him. 他握紧左拳,朝他扑去。4. 同宿一室;合睡一床 Some of the guests had to double up. 有几位客人只得同宿一间屋子。5. 〈英〉把原赌注和赢得的钱一同作为赌注押下 see double 见 see¹ |