释义 |
dom·i·nate /ˈdɒmɪneɪt/ vt. | vi. ❶ vt. 1. 支配,统治,控制;施加决定性影响于 dominate a group 支配一团体 a white-dominated society 白人统治的社会 His personality dominated the other members of the committee. 他的个性对委员会的其他成员起了决定性影响。 2. 耸立于;比…高,俯视 The skyscraper dominates the city. 这幢摩天大楼俯视全城。 He dominates everyone else by his height. 他个子比其他所有的人都高。 3. 在…中占首要地位;独占 These two questions dominated the discussion. 这两个问题在讨论中占了首要地位。 A huge bed dominated the centre of the room. 一张大床独占房间的中心。 ❷ vi. 1. 处于支配地位,拥有优势 Although the cathedral and the castle are both noticeable, the cathedral dominates. 虽然大教堂和城堡都令人瞩目,但大教堂尤胜一筹。 2. 处于较高(或较优越)的位置 a village nestled under a dominating crag 隐匿在高耸峭壁下的村庄 [<L dominārī to be lord over<dominus lord] |