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dock² /dɒk/ vt. | n. I vt. 1. 剪短(动物的尾或耳);剪短(动物)的尾巴;剪掉(动物的尾巴) dock the ears of cattle 剪去牛的耳尖 The dog's tail had been docked. 那条狗的尾巴已被截短。 dock a horse 剪短马尾 2. 扣(工资等);扣…的工资;从(工资)中扣除(一定数额) The company docked the men's wages if they came late to work. 工人如果上班迟到,公司就扣他们的工资。 A worker was docked sick pay for playing golf while on sick leave. 一名工人因在病假中去打高尔夫球而被扣去病假工资。 The boss docked his paycheck $20. 老板从他的工资中扣去20美元。 They docked a third of his wages. 他们扣掉他三分之一工资。 My pay isn't much to take home once it has had tax docked off. 我的工资一旦扣除税款,拿回家的就不多了。 3. 削减;删节;限制 dock some of the writings 删节某些文章 4. (作为惩罚)剥夺(of) Punishments include detention after school and docking television privileges. 处罚包括课后留校和不许看电视。 dock a child of all pleasures of childhood 不让一个孩子享有童年的一切欢乐
II n. 1. (尤指羊、狗的)尾巴骨肉部分(以与尾巴部分相区别) 2. (羊、狗等截尾后留下的)尾根 3. (马鞍或挽具的)兜在马尾下的皮带 [<OE -docca a short, stumpy tail] |