

单词 division
释义 di·vi·sion /dɪˈvɪʒən/
1. 分;分开;分切;分隔
The division of the children into groups was according to age. 孩子们分组原则是根据年龄。
There is a division of the course into 32 lessons. 这门课程分成32课。
He used a screen to complete the division of the dining room from the kitchen. 他用屏风把餐室和厨房完全隔开。
2. 分配;分享;分担
They made a division of the profits. 他们分配了利润。
a division of responsibility 责任的分担
3. 分隔物(如隔板、栅栏);分界线
They put up a division between kitchen and dinette. 他们在厨房和小餐室之间装了一道隔板。
The wall serves as a division between the land of the two families. 那堵墙被当作两家土地的分界线。
4. 分度,刻度,标度
the divisions of a compass 罗盘的刻度
5. 部分
a division of a book 书的一部分
6. 部门(如部、处、科、系等)
the sales division of a company 公司的销售部
the criminal division of the Justice Department 司法部的刑事司
the engineering division of a university 大学的工程系
7. (航空、铁路等系统的)分局,段
8. (议会中赞成者与反对者分别进行的)分组表决;分组表决结果
There was a division in Parliament on the matter. 议会就此事进行分组表决。
The deal was approved without a division. 那项协议未经分组表决就通过了。
9. (行政、军事等的)区;选区
a court in the seventh division 第七区的一个法院
He has the broadest support of any candidate in his division. 在他所在选区的候选人中他获得最广泛的支持。
10. (体育运动等中的)
They came across the determined second division opposition. 他们遇到乙级队的坚决抵抗。
a first division club 甲级队俱乐部
11. 分歧;分裂
a sharp division of opinion 尖锐的意见对立
Their greatest foreign policy problem is their divisions at home. 他们外交政策上的最大问题是国内的分歧。
12. (法)
The division of 15 by 5 gives you 3. 15除以5得3。
I hated division when I was at school. 我求学时最讨厌除法。
6÷2= 3 is a simple division. 6除以2等于3是一道简单除法。
13. (陆军、空军的)师;(海军)舰艇分队,航空兵分队
14. [divisions] (按分队)全体船员的列队检阅
15. (分类的单位)
16. (园艺学中的)分株(繁殖法)
I started with one plant and by division now have three. 开始时我只有一棵,通过分株繁殖现在有了三棵。
17. 分类
18. 轻罪犯监禁级别
19. (军队等的)配置法,布置法
[OFr<L dīvīsiō<dīvidere; 见DIVIDE]




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