dis·trict /ˈdɪstrɪkt/ n. | vt.I n. 1. 地区;区域 a mountainous (wooded) district 山(林)区 the leading farming district 主要的耕作区 live in a fashionable residential district of the city 住在城市的上流社会住宅区 2. 区,管区,行政区;〈英〉(郡以下的)区 a postal (police) district 邮(警)区 a school district 学校区 3. 选区;英国教区的分区 an election district(美国)基层选区 II vt. 〈美〉把…划分成区 [<ML districtus area of jurisdiction<L distringere to stretch out; 见DISTRAIN]