释义 |
dis·tract /dɪˈstrækt/ vt. | a. I vt. 1. 使转向;使转变 be distracted from one's original purpose (interest) 改变自己原有的目标(兴趣) 2. 转移(注意力),分散(思想);使分心(from) The advertisements by the side of the road sometimes distract the attention of motorists. 路旁的广告有时会转移驾车人的注意。 distract sb.'s mind from despair 使某人分心而不致绝望 After Father went away, nothing distracted me from my sense of loss. 父亲走后,无论什么都不能分散我若有所失之感。 The noise in the street distracted me from my reading. 街上的喧闹声使我不能专注读书。 3. 〈古〉使混乱,扰乱;使困惑;使苦恼 Grief distracted him. 悲痛折磨着他。 4. [常用被动语态]使发狂,使精神错乱;使生气 (with,by,at) be distracted with grief 悲痛得发狂 5. 使快乐,给…以消遣 The clowns distracted the children. 小丑们逗得孩子们直乐。 Golf distracts me. 高尔夫球使我得到消遣。
II a. 〈古〉= distracted [<L distractus perplexed<distrahere to pull in different directions<dis- away + trahere to drag, draw]dis·tract·i·bil·i·tydɪˌstræktəˈbɪlətɪ n. |