释义 |
dis·tinct /dɪˈstɪŋkt/ a. 1. 有区别的,不同的,各别的;单独的,独立的 three distinct types of people 三种不同类型的人 reality as distinct from fantasy 有别于幻想的现实 Those two ideas must be kept distinct one from the other. 必须把那两种思想区别开。 The Celts emerged as a distinct people. 凯尔特人曾以一个独立的民族出现。 2. 不同种类(或性质)的 (from) Gold is distinct from iron. 金在质地上不同于铁。 His hobbies are quite distinct from his work. 他的业余爱好同他的工作在性质上截然不同。 3. 明显的;清楚的,清晰的;线条分明的 a distinct minority 明显的少数 There was a distinct note of annoyance in her reply. 她的回答带有明显的厌烦口气。 The inscriptions on the rock are no longer very distinct. 岩石上的铭刻已不再清晰可辨。 The photograph is not distinct. 这张照片不清晰。 4. 确定无误的,明确的;确切的,确实的 There was a distinct improvement in the patient's condition. 病人情况确有好转。 make sth. a distinct possibility 使某事确有可能 5. 显著的,难得的,不寻常的;极度的 a distinct achievement 显著的成就 The new car is a distinct pleasure to drive. 开这辆新车是件难得的乐事。 6. 〈古〉〈诗〉浓妆艳抹的;色彩斑斓的 7. 〈废〉卓越的,卓著的,杰出的 [< L distinctus < distinguere; 见 DISTINGUISH] |