

单词 dissolve
释义 dis·solve /dɪˈzɒlv/ vt. | vi. | n.
I vt.
1. 使溶解
Water dissolves sugar. 水使糖溶解。
She dissolved the tablet in a glass of water. 她将药片溶解在一杯水中。
dissolved oxygen in the water 溶于水中的氧
2. 使融化;使液化
The sun dissolves the snow. 太阳使雪融化。
3. 解散;使破裂;结束,终止,解除(婚姻关系等)
dissolve the political bands 解散政治帮派
The Queen dissolved Parliament. 女王解散了议会。
The household with Willa was dissolved. 与威拉组成的家庭破裂了。
They dissolved their partnership. 他们解除了合伙关系。
4. 毁坏;使破灭
One direct hit dissolved the enemy destroyer. 直接命中的一炮击毁了敌人的驱逐舰。
dissolve sb.'s hope 使某人的希望破灭
5. 消除;使消失
help to dissolve some of the rancour 有助于消除一些积怨
dissolve doubts 消除疑虑
Erosion has dissolved acres of topsoil. 侵蚀作用已使大量表土层流失。
6. 使分裂;使分解
The company was dissolved into smaller units. 那家公司分裂为几家较小的单位。
A cleaning agent dissolves grease stains. 清洁剂分解油污。
7. 电视电影使(画面)叠化,使淡入淡出
8. 解答;解释;澄清;解决
The mystery was dissolved. 疑案已真相大白。
dissolve a problem 解决问题
9. 使感动;使情不自禁
be dissolved in pleasure 快乐得神魂颠倒
10. 废除,取消
dissolve an injunction 废除禁令
11. 破除…的约束力,使失效
dissolve a spell 破咒语
12. 分开,解开
1. 溶解
Salt dissolves in water. 盐溶于水。
2. 融化;液化
Cakes of ice slowly dissolved into puddles. 冰块慢慢地融化成一个个水洼。
3. 解散;散去;(婚姻关系等)破裂,解除,结束
The group dissolved in dissension within a few years. 不到几年,那团体因内部不和而解散。
Half an hour later, the party began to dissolve. 半小时以后,宴会宾客开始散去。
4. (雾等)消散;消失;逐渐减弱
The truck dissolved into the blackness. 卡车消失在黑暗中。
The hills dissolved in the darkness. 群山隐没在夜色中。
My sadness slowly began to dissolve. 我的悲哀渐渐开始淡薄。
His strength dissolved. 他的力气渐渐减弱。
5. 分裂;分解
6. 化成;变成
The last orange tint of sunset dissolved into lilac-grey twilight. 橙色落日余晖渐渐变成紫褐的暮色。
Irritations dissolved into sympathies. 气恼化为同情。
The funeral quickly dissolved into a political event. 葬礼很快转化成政治事件。
7. 被感动;情不自禁
She dissolved in a flood of tears. 她不禁泪如雨下。
“My goodness,” she said, dissolving into a gurgle of laughter. “天哪!”她说着,不禁格格地笑起来。
8. 电视电影(画面)叠化,淡入淡出
9. 失去约束力,失去效力

II n.
[<L dissolvere to make loose < DIS-² + solvere to release]




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