释义 |
dis·pute /dɪˈspjuːt/ vi. | vt. | n. | phr. I ❶ vi. 1. 争论;辩论 The strikers began to dispute hotly with members of management. 罢工工人开始和资方人员激烈争执起来。 They disputed for hours about where to go. 他们为了去哪里的问题争论了几个小时。 How dare you dispute against my orders? 你怎敢对我的命令表示异议? 2. 争吵,吵架 The robbers disputed violently over the stolen goods. 盗贼为分赃而大打出手。 ❷ vt. 1. 就…发生争论;为…进行辩论 His views were hotly disputed. 他的观点引起激烈的争论。 The lawyers disputed the case before the judge. 律师们当着法官的面对案件进行辩论。 They disputed where to go. 他们就去哪里问题发生争论。 2. 对…表示异议(或怀疑);反对;辩驳 dispute sb.'s claim 不同意某人的权利要求 an area of disputed sovereignty 主权有争议的地区 I disputed his story. 我对他讲的话有怀疑。 I would not dispute that he is mad. 我不怀疑他疯了。 dispute a proposal 反对一项提议 You don't dispute my right to ask any question I wish? 你不反对我有随意提问的权利吧? I won't dispute you on that point. 在那一点上我不反驳你。 3. 〈古〉阻止;抵抗 dispute the advance of the invaders 阻止入侵者的前进 The rebels disputed the troops behind the street barricades. 叛乱者在路障后面抵抗军队。 4. 争夺 Our army disputed every inch of ground. 我军寸土必争。 The two teams were disputing the cup. 两队正在争夺奖杯。
II /dɪˈspjuːt,ˈdɪs-/ n. 1. 争论;辩论;争端;纠纷 have a dispute with sb. 与某人争论 a dispute over economic policy 关于经济政策的争论 a dispute about where to go 关于去哪儿的争论 The two countries solved their territorial dispute through bilateral negotiations. 两国通过双边会谈解决了领土争端。 Work has stopped because of a dispute over pay. 由于工资纠纷工作已停顿下来。 2. 争吵,吵架 The boys' dispute ended in a fight. 那些男孩的争吵最终导致一场斗殴。 3. 〈废〉斗欧;斗争;争夺 [< OFr desputer < LL disputāre to contend verbally < L: to discuss < DIS-² + putāre to think] phr. beyond (或 past) (all) dispute 不容争辩的 (地);无可置疑的 (地);明确的 (地)His honesty is beyond dispute. 他的诚实无可置疑。This is, beyond dispute, the best English dictionary. 不容争辩,这是最好的英语词典。The boundary has been fixed beyond dispute. 边界业已明确勘定。in dispute 1. 在争论中;处于争议中 The true figure is still in dispute. 准确的数字尚在争论之中。 2. (与…)有争端 (或分歧、纠纷等)的 (with)Almost all the countries in this region are in dispute with each other. 在这个地区,几乎所有国家之间都有争端。under dispute 在争论中;处于争议中 Shelling has reportedly taken place in the mountain area under dispute. 据报道,在归属尚有争议的山区发生了炮击。without dispute 确定无疑的 (地) |