释义 |
dis·mount /ˌdɪsˈmaʊnt/ vi. | vt. | n. I ❶ vi. 1. 下马;下车 The officer ordered his troops to dismount. 军官命令部队下马。 dismount from one's motorcycle 下摩托车 2. 〈废〉下来 He dismounted from the auction-block. 他从拍卖台上下来。 ❷ vt. 1. 使下马;使掉下马 The horse dismounted its rider. 那马把骑手掀了下来。 The soldier dismounted his adversary. 士兵把他的对手打下马。 2. 使(军队)丧失坐骑 3. (从底座等上)取下,卸下 dismount a gun from the gun carriage 从炮架上卸下大炮 4. 拆开(机器等) dismount a revolver 拆开左轮手枪 5. 〈古〉下(马);下(车)
II n. 1. 下马;下车 2. 【体】下;下法 |