释义 |
dis·lodge /dɪsˈlɒdʒ/ vt. | vi. ❶ vt. 1. (从固定位置上)强行去除(或取出、移动等) (from) He dislodged a rock from the mountainside. 他从山腰上挖出一块岩石。 A wolf tore at the body, dislodging great hunks of meat. 狼撕咬尸体,扯下大块大块的肉。 2. (从躲藏处、守地、有利地势等)把…逐出 (from) The hounds managed to dislodge the bear from its den. 猎狗设法把熊从穴中逐出。 The enemy troops were finally dislodged from the fort. 敌军终于被逐出要塞。 ❷ vi. 离开住所;离开原位 Many of the inhabitants of Paris began to dislodge. 许多巴黎居民开始搬家。 The fish bone may dislodge from your throat without surgery. 鱼骨头可能不经手术就会从你的喉中脱落。