释义 |
dis·cord /ˈdɪskɔːd/ n. | vi. I n. 1. (事物、想法等之间的)不一致,不协调 2. 不和,争论,冲突 Their house was full of discord. 他们家老是吵架。 sow discord among one's friends 在自己的朋友中间挑拨离间 3. 噪声;刺耳的声音 4. 【音】不协和;不协和和弦
II /dɪsˈkɔːd/ vi. 1. 〈古〉不一致,不协调 (with,from) The speaker's opinion discords with the principles of this society. 演说者的见解和本协会的原则不符。 2. (声音)刺耳 [< OFr descort < descorder to disagree < L discordāre < discors at variance < DIS-² + cor heart] |