释义 |
dis·com·fort /dɪsˈkʌmfət/ n. | vt. I n. 1. 不舒服,不适,病痛;不安 the discomfort of a bad cold 重伤风产生的不适感 To the discomfort of its citizens, the city has a neo-Nazi on the City Council. 该市有一名新纳粹分子任市议会议员,这使市民们感到忐忑不安。 2. 使人不舒适(或不安)的事物;困扰 the discomforts endured by explorers in the Antarctic 探险者在南极所忍受的艰难困苦 3. 〈古〉使人悲哀(或痛苦)的事;不幸的事
II vt. 1. 使不舒服;使不安 The hiker was discomforted by a pair of tight boots. 那个徒步游客为所穿的一双夹脚紧靴所苦。 2. 〈古〉使沮丧 |