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dis·burse /dɪsˈbɜːs/ vt. | vi. ❶ vt. 1. 支出;支付 disburse money for a project 为一项工程出钱 Company salaries are disbursed by the paymaster. 公司的工资由出纳员发给。 disburse a bill 支付账单 2. 分配;分布 disburse property by will 按遗嘱分配财产 Policemen were disbursed throughout the city to hunt for the escaped criminal. 警察遍布全城追捕逃犯。 ❷ vi. 付款 She can disburse. 她有支付能力。 [< OFr desborser < DIS-² + borser to obtain money < borse bag¹ < LL bursa] |