

单词 dip¹
释义 dip¹ /dɪp/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr.
I (dippeddipt /dɪpt/;dip·ping)

1. 浸;蘸
He dipped his finger in the water. 他把手指浸入水中。
The painter dipped his brush into the paint. 画家拿画笔蘸颜料。
2. (为了取物)(手、匙、勺等)伸入
He dipped his hand into the jar and snatched a handful of cookies. 他把手伸进广口瓶,掏了一把小饼干。
Some foreign firms are dipping their hands in the development of fishing in this area. 一些外国公司正在插手开发这一地区的渔业。
3. (用勺等)舀取(up)
dip up a sample of wheat 舀出小麦样品
dip soup from a kettle 从锅里舀汤
4. (短暂地)降下;(一时小幅度地)放低; 英军俚将…降级
dip a flag in salutation 行点旗礼
dip one's knee in a curtsey 行屈膝礼
The girl dipped her head to enter the cave. 姑娘把头一低,走进山洞。
5. (浸烛芯于融蜡中)制造(蜡烛)
6. 浸染
dip Easter eggs 浸染复活节彩蛋
7. 浸洗
8. 浸涂(金属品等);浸胶;浸浆
9. (羊、家禽等)洗药浴
10. (粮食、蔬菜、木料等)作防腐浸渍处理
11. (人)施浸礼
12. (汽车前灯)的远光调为近光
There were so few cars on the road that he seldom dipped his headlights. 公路上车辆稀少,以致他难得将大灯调为近光。
13. 英口使负债;抵押,典当
be slightly dipped 负少量的债
14. (鼻烟)擦在牙齿和齿龈上
15. 扒窃…(中)的财物
dip sb.'s back pocket 掏某人的后袋
He dipped two men on the 18 bus. 他在18路公共汽车上掏了两个人的口袋。
16. 使湿透;使感到寒冷
17. 使陷入
1. 浸一浸,浸水
The boat dipped into the waves. 船穿浪航行。
He dipped a few times in the ocean to cool himself off. 为了凉快凉快,他在海水里泡了几次。
2. (尤指短暂或小幅度地)减少;下降
The president's popularity is dipping. 总统的声望与日俱减。
The demand for tin has dipped. 对锡的需求已减少。
Moscow dips way below zero Fahrenheit in November. 莫斯科的温度在11月大大低于0华氏度。
Relations between the two countries dipped to their chilliest. 两国关系降到最冷点。
3. 下沉,落下
The sun was dipping swiftly into the sea. 太阳正迅速沉下海面。
The economy has dipped into a serious recession. 经济已陷入严重的衰退。
4. 倾斜,向下伸展
The river dips south. 这条河折向南方流去。
The street dips under the bridge. 那条街向桥下伸展。
5. 舀取;掏取
He dipped in his pocket for money. 他在口袋中掏钱。
The cook dipped from a kettle of soup. 厨子从汤锅舀汤。
Brown dipped in his memory for the young man's name. 布朗在记忆中搜索那个青年的名字。
6. 把汽车前灯调为近光
7. 行屈膝礼
8. 扒窃
9. 英俚不及格
He dipped by five marks. 他差5分就可及格。
10. (飞机为获得上升动量而)作短暂骤降
11. (地层、矿脉等)倾斜
12. (在小儿游戏中)对唱儿歌选出头儿(for)

II n.
1. 浸;蘸
hear the dip of the oars 听见桨入水声
2. 游泳;(在河、海等中的)洗澡
have (或 take) a dip 游一会儿泳
I am going for a dip in the sea. 我去洗个海水浴。
3. 涉猎;涉足:
sb.'s early dip into politics 某人早年对政治的浅尝涉猎
4. 浸液,溶液,药浴液
cattle dip 牲畜药浴用的药液
5. 沙司,奶油沙司
make some dip for chips 为炸土豆片调制供蘸着吃的沙司
6. 倾斜;斜度
Past the border the river takes a dip to the south. 流经边界后,河流转向南下。
The dip increased as we went on. 我们越往前走,坡度便越大。
7. (暂时或小幅度的)减少;下降
The price of fertilizer took a dip. 肥料价格下跌。
8. 下沉,下落
the dip of the sun 日落
9. 蜡烛
10. 舀取;(款项等的)动用,取用
a big dip into the fund 基金的大量动用
11. 舀出物,汲出物;舀取(或汲取、蘸取)的量
a dip of ice 一勺冰淇淋
12. 舀东西的容器,勺,匙
13. 凹地;凹陷
Two kids sat in a dip. 两个孩子坐在凹地中。
a dip in the seat 座位面上的凹陷
14. 扒手
the dip squad 反扒特警队
15. (地层、矿脉等的)倾斜
16. 视倾斜
17. 倾角;磁倾角
18. (飞机的)短暂骤降
19. (双杠上的)支撑臂屈伸推起
[< OE dyppan; 与OHG tupfen to wash, Ger taufen to baptize 有关]
phr. dip into 1. 从…中取出
He kept dipping into the box of chocolates. 他不断从盒子里掏巧克力吃。
2. 动用(款项等)
dip into the reserve fund 动用准备金
dip into one's talent 发挥才干
3. 随便翻阅,浏览
I have only dipped into this book. 这本书我只浏览了一下。
4. 稍加探究,涉猎
dip into ancient history 涉猎古代史
5. 啜尝
Dip into this wine and see how it tastes. 尝尝这酒的味道如何。
dip into the future 见 future
dip (one's hand) in(to) one's pocket (或 purse) 花钱;解囊捐钱
When you have children you will find that you are always having to dip your hand into your pocket. 当你有了孩子后你会感觉到老是得要花钱。
They take no fee. Indeed, they dip into their own pockets. 他们不收费,甚而至于还自己掏腰包。
dip out 1. 英俚(在众人分享好处时)被排斥在外
2. 英俚规避,逃避
3. 澳新口失败
dip south 澳新俚(尤指剩钱无多时)伸手到袋子里掏钱




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