释义 |
din /dɪn/ n. | vi. | vt. I n. 喧嚣,喧闹声,嘈杂声 the playground din 操场上的喧闹声 a din of clattering tableware and conversation 一片嘈杂的杯盘丁当声和谈话声 I couldn't hear her above the din of the crowd. 人声嘈杂,我听不清她在说什么。 This din is purely a propaganda ploy. 这种鼓噪纯粹是宣传招术。
II (dinned;din·ning) ❶ vi. 发喧闹声,发嘈杂声 The applause dinned for minutes. 掌声劈劈啪啪持续了几分钟。 ❷ vt. 1. 以喧闹声扰(人) 2. 再三叮嘱,三番五次地告诫,反复告诉(into) The father was always dinning into the ears of the son the importance of hard work. 做父亲的没完没了告诫儿子要努力工作才是。 [< ME dine < OE dynn; 与 ON dynr, OHG tuni 有关] |