

单词 dim
释义 dim /dɪm/ a. | vt. | vi. | n. | phr.
I (dim·mer, dim·mest)

1. 暗淡的,昏暗的,阴暗的
a dim room 光线暗淡的房间
a dim flickering oil lamp 昏暗而闪烁不定的油灯
He sat in a dim corner. 他坐在一个黑暗的角落里。
2. 不分明的,不清楚的,朦胧的,隐约的
a dim shape 朦胧的形影
the dim outline of the mountain in the distance 远处影影绰绰的大山轮廓
a dim sound 隐约微弱的声音
a dim smile 微笑
3. (视力)差的,模糊不清的
eyes dim with tears 模糊的泪眼
The teacher's eyesight is getting dimmer. 老师的视力越来越差了。
4. (记忆等)不清晰的,(意识等)模糊的
I have a dim recollection of it. 我依稀记得这事。
a dim suspicion 隐约的怀疑
Though heavily sedated, she had a dim awareness of what was happening. 尽管用了大量镇静剂,她还迷迷糊糊地感觉到正在发生些什么。
5. 无光泽的;不鲜亮的
a dim colour 暗淡的颜色
Everybody else looks dim beside him. 任何其他人在他身旁都黯然失色。
6. 迟钝的;愚蠢的
Otherwise quick on the uptake, he is a bit dim about the digs she makes at him. 对她的揶揄,他往往不太领会,尽管在其他方面他的理解力很强。
He's so dim that it is useless trying to explain anything to him. 他头脑混沌,无论向他解释什么都没用。
7. 不利的;灰暗失色的,不光明的;不可能实现的
dim prospects 暗淡的前景
His political future is dim. 他的政治前途暗淡。
with dim hope 怀着一线希望

II (dimmed;dim·ming)

1. 使暗淡;使模糊;使失去光泽
dim a light 使灯光转暗
His spectacles were dimmed with mist. 他的眼镜因蒙上水汽而变得模糊。
Drought dims hopes for a bumper wheat crop. 干旱使小麦丰收的希望变得渺茫。
These new demands dimmed the outlook for impending talks. 这些新要求一提出,行将举行的谈判前景便变得暗淡起来。
Nothing can dim my happy memories of those early years. 我对于早年生活的幸福回忆怎么也不会淡漠。
2. 比…更鲜亮;使相比之下黯然失色
3. 使(汽车前灯)减光
The house lights dimmed. 观众席座灯光转暗。
the dimming popularity of the President 总统日益下降的声望
His pleased expression dimmed a bit. 他那得意的表情稍稍收敛了些。

III n.
1. [常作 dims] (汽车前灯的)减光,近光;停车灯;前灯的减光光束
2. (为防止敌方空袭等的)半灯火管制
3. 昏暗,幽暗
4. 美俚夜;黄昏
[< OE dimm; 与 ON dimmr gloomy, dark 有关]
phr. dim out 1. (使)变暗淡
dim out the stage for the final scene 最后一场即将开演时使舞台灯光转暗
The moon was so bright that it dimmed out all but a few of the most lustrous stars. 月光如此皎洁,除最明亮的几颗以外,所有的星星都显得暗淡无光。
2. 对…实行半灯火管制
take a dim view of 见 view




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