释义 |
di·lem·ma /dɪˈlemə, daɪ-/ n. | phr. n. 1. (进退两难的) 窘境,困境 The dilemma the doctor faced was whether he should tell the patient the truth. 医生面临的困境是要不要把事情的真相告诉病人。 be (be caught) in a dilemma 处于(陷入)进退两难的境地 All this poses a dilemma with which the airline industry must deal. 所有这些都为航空业提出了一个必须解决的难题。 2. 【逻】二难推理,两刀论法,假言选言推理 [LL < Gr < DI-¹ + lēmma premise, anything taken < lambanein to take, grasp] phr. the horns of a dilemma 见 horn dil·em·mat·icˌdɪləˈmætɪkdil·em·micdɪˈlemɪk a. |