释义 |
di·gest /dɪˈdʒest,daɪ-/ vt. | vi. | n. I ❶ vt. 1. 消化(食物) I can not digest my dinner. 我饭后消化不好。 2. 促进(食物)的消化 Cheese is believed to digest everything except itself. 据信干酪有助于除其本身外的其他食物的消化。 3. 〈喻〉消化;(经反复思考)吸收;领悟,理解 He is still digesting the sad news. 他还在反复思考那个令人悲痛的消息。 digest political realities 揣摸政治现实的含义 4. 整理,把…分类 properly digest voluminous data 对大量丰富的资料作井井有条的整理 5. 节略,压缩;作…的摘要 The author refused to allow the publisher to digest his book. 作者不同意出版社节略他的著作。 My assistant digests the news for me. 助手为我汇编新闻摘要。 6. 忍受,容忍 His rudeness is hard to digest. 他的粗暴无礼难以容忍。 7. 【化】蒸煮,煮解;浸提 ❷ vi. 1. 被消化 Cheese doesn't digest easily. 干酪不易消化。 His food is still digesting. 他吃下去的东西还在消化。 2. 消化食物 Don't bother me; I'm resting and digesting. 别来烦我!我正在休息消食。 3. 【化】蒸煮,煮解;浸提
II /ˈdaɪdʒest/ n. 1. 摘要,概要,简编 a concise digest of the judge's long dissent 法官冗长异议的简明摘要 The president started reading the press digest over breakfast. 总统边用早餐边开始阅读新闻简报。 2. (书刊形式的)文摘;汇编 Reader's Digest 《读者文摘》 a digest of all the papers presented at the annual medical convention 医学年会的论文汇编 3. 法规汇集;[the D-]《学说汇纂》(公元6世纪东罗马皇帝 Jusinian 命令汇编的著名法学家的学说摘录,共50卷) 4. 消化产物 [< LL dīgesta a collection of writings < L dīgestus < dīgerere to separate, dissolve < DI-² +gerere to carry] |