释义 |
dif·fuse /dɪˈfjuːs/ vt. | vi. | a. I /dɪˈfjuːz/ ❶ vt. 1. 扩散(气体、液体等),使(热、气味等)四散,散播;使弥漫;使渗出 The colours of the sunset were diffused across the sky. 日落时分的霞光布满天空。 2. 传播;普及;散布;使分散 diffuse knowledge 传播知识 diffuse a rumour 散布谣言 Power has been diffused to subcommittees. 权力已分散至小组委员会。 He so diffused his talents that he never became a real success in anything. 他的才华分散过甚,以至于什么事情都不能真正做成。 3. 【物】使(光线)漫射;使扩散 ❷ vi. 1. 扩散,四散,散播;弥漫;渗出 The poison gradually diffused through his system. 毒药渐渐扩散到他的全身。 2. 传播;散布 3. 【物】漫射;扩散
II a. 1. 弥漫的;四散的 diffuse sclerosis 弥漫性硬化 an organization which has become diffuse 一个业已松散的组织 2. (文章等)冗长的,芜蔓的: a diffuse style 冗赘的文体 a diffuse writer 行文芜蔓的作者 His talk was so diffuse I missed his point. 他的谈话漫无边际,我抓不住他的要点。 3. 【物】漫射的;扩散的: diffuse reflection 漫反射 4. (胎盘)分散的 5. 【植】铺散的 [< L diffūsus spread abroad < diffundere to pour forth < DIS- + fundere to pour] |