释义 |
die¹ /daɪ/ vi. | vt. | n. | phr. I (died;dy·ing) ❶ vi. 1. 死,死亡 My father died three years ago. 我父亲3年前亡故。 The blacksmith died of the rum bottle and a stroke. 铁匠死于酗酒及中风。 Five men died from police gunfire. 5名男子被警察击毙。 The young man died, by another man's dagger, in a brawl. 那青年在殴斗时被一个男子用匕首刺死。 He died for his country. 他为国捐躯。 die happy (rich) 死时很愉快(很富裕) die a martyr at one's post 以身殉职 2. (植物)枯死,凋谢 The flowers in the garden died from frost. 园子里的花因霜冻而凋谢。 3. 消失;灭亡;停止,结束 His face hardened — the happy expression died out of it. 他的脸一沉,喜洋洋的表情消失了。 The memory of her will never die. 对她的回忆将永远不会消失。(或:她将永远留在记忆中。) The old system is dying. 旧制度正在灭亡。 All that I had meant to say died upon my tongue. 我要说的话一到嘴边就全说不出来了。 The bill died in the last Congress. 这一议案在上届国会被否决。 Even the union leaders hoped that the strike would die quietly. 甚至连工会领袖们都希望罢工会无声无息地结束。 4. 减弱;逐渐消失;(声音等)渐变微弱 In June and July the winds die to 12-to-18-knot. 在6、7月间,风力减弱到每小时12至18海里。 The sunlight died in the west. 残阳西落。 My anger died at these words. 听到这些话,我的气消了。 5. (知识、思想等)被遗忘 His secret died with him. 他的秘密同他一起进了坟墓。 Let the thought die. 忘了这一想法吧! 6. 停止运行 The motor sputtered and died. 马达劈劈啪啪响了一阵后熄火了。 She used to buy old secondhand cars and drive till they died. 她过去常买旧车,一直开到这些车子报废为止。 7. 逐渐变成 (into) Outside, the dark winter afternoon died into night. 室外,阴沉的冬日下午渐渐化作夜色。 8. (因失恋、渴望等)变得憔悴,变得衰弱,消瘦 be dying from fatigue 因疲劳而日渐消瘦孱弱 9. 〈口〉被弄得筋疲力尽;被弄得不支 (of) I'm dying of boredom! 我真厌烦得要命! I nearly died (of) laughing. 我差一点笑死。 10. 〈口〉[常用进行时态]渴望,切望 I'm dying for a cup of tea. 我真想喝杯茶。 I was dying to know where he had been. 我极想知道他去过哪里。 Sometimes I die to tell him about it. 有时,我真想把这件事告诉他。 11. 不受影响,变得漠然(to) die to the world 对世事漠不关心 12. 【宗】(灵魂)死亡 13. 【棒】(一局终了时)残留垒上 14. 〈诗〉达到性高潮 ❷ vt. [后接同源名词]遭受(某种形式死亡): die a natural death 自然死亡 die a violent death 横死
II n. 〈俚〉 1. = death 2. 临终遗言 [< ME dien < OE dīegan < ON deyja to die] phr. die away 变弱;渐渐停止;逐渐消失 The wind died away. 风渐停息。His footsteps died away in the darkness. 他的脚步声在黑暗中渐渐远去。die back (植物)枝叶枯萎 (而根部仍活), (过冬时)假死,顶 (梢枯)死,回枯 die by one's own hand 自杀 die down 1. 变弱;渐渐停止;逐渐消失 The wind died down noticeably. 风力已显著减弱。Fighting died down over the weekend. 周末期间,战斗逐渐停止。 2. = die back die game 至死不屈,壮烈地死去 die hard 1. (旧习惯、旧信仰等)难改掉,难消灭 The old authoritarian structure of the family dies hard. 旧的专制家庭结构很难革除。 Smoking is a habit that dies hard for most people. 对多数人来说,吸烟是个难改的习惯。 2. 顽固到底;难断气 The old politician died hard. 那个老政客非常顽固。 die in (one's) bed 善终(指因衰老或疾病而死) die in one's boots (或 shoes) = die with one's boots (或 shoes) on die in the last ditch 见 ditch The bamboo forest burst into flower and then died off. 竹林突然开花,然后一株一株死去。 Her few remaining kinsfolk died off one by one. 她仅存的几位亲属也相继去世。 die on 1. 死在…眼前;在…照管下死去 Not many of my patients die on me. 我的病人在我当班时死亡的并不多。 2. 在…使用时损坏;对…不再有用;不再引起…的兴趣 The horn died on us, so we'd better fix it up. 喇叭是在我们手里坏的,所以最好还是由我们把它修好。 die on it 〈澳俚〉食言,失信 die on the vine 夭折 The program for rebuilding the city died on the vine. 重建城市的计划夭折了。 die out 1. 逐渐消失;逐渐止息 Though prohibited from 1911, this custom died out slowly. 尽管这一风俗在1911年就被禁止,但慢慢才消失。 2. 灭绝 These species have now almost died out. 这些物种目前几乎已灭绝。 die standing up (演出时)晾在舞台上(指得不到掌声) die with one's boots (或 shoes) on 1. 工作时死去,退休前死去 diewith one's liberal boots still firmly on 死时仍为坚定的开明派 2. 横死;战死;被绞死 The robber said he would rather die with his boots on. 那个盗贼说,他宁愿死于非命。 never say die 别气馁,别灰心 Never say die, Mrs Salad. It'll be all over soon. 别气馁,萨拉德夫人,一切都会很快过去。 to die for 〈口〉好得要死的,妙极了的 |