释义 |
dic·tate /dɪkˈteɪt/ vt. | vi. | n. I ❶ vt. 1. 口授,口述;使听写 dictate a letter to a secretary 向秘书口授信稿 The teacher dictated a short poem to the class. 教师让班上学生听写一首短诗。 2. 发号施令地规定,专横地强加(规则、条款等);命令 dictate terms of surrender 强制规定投降条件 Conscience dictates truthfulness. 良心促使人吐真言。 ❷ vi. 1. 口授,口述;做听写 He dictated too fast for the secretary to type. 他口授速度太快,以致秘书打字跟不上。 The teacher dictated in English to the class. 教师给班上学生做英语听写。 2. 发号施令,命令;支配 No one shall dictate to me. 任何人都不能对我发号施令。 as circumstances dictate 如环境使然
II /ˈdɪkteɪt/ n. [dictates] 命令;支配;规定;要求 He seldom yielded to the dictates of the heart. 他难得按心愿办事。 She always obeys the dictates of fashion. 她总是按流行式样更换服饰。 [< L dictāre to say repeatedly, order < dīcere to say] |